Chapter 22: Breaking point

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Richelle's POV
"Summer, Noah and Richelle, we have made our decision, and unfortunately one of you won't be a part of this duet," Michelle announces.

"Richelle," Emily begins as she turns to me.

I clamp my hands together, awaiting the news. I really hope that I'll be a part of the duet.

'Please, please be me,' I silently plead.

"You –"
Michelle cuts Emily off and shoves her tablet over to her.

I sigh inwardly. Are you serious, Michelle? Can't you wait until Emily is finished? I was just about to hear whether I landed a spot in the duet. She clearly doesn't understand how much this means to me.

Emily's eyes widen at the screen.

"Looks like Lily isn't dancing with us anymore. Her mum pulled her from the studio just because of her injury. It's not like we caused her injury," Emily mutters darkly.

I raise an eyebrow. Of course, Lily's mum would pull her out because she always wants to keep an eye on her precious daughter.

"Now, back to where we started. Em, you can do the honours," Michelle says.

"For the Regionals duet, we have Noah and... Richelle!" Emily grins.

I can't believe it! Challenging the original duet was actually a good idea. Plus, I got the duet!

"Hey Richelle, you got a well-earned spot on the duet. I'm happy for you," Summer says sincerely.

"For real?"

"I mean it. You two better show the other studios all you've got at Regionals," Summer surprises me as she wraps her arms around me.

Maybe Summer isn't so bad after all.

Noah's POV
Jacquie left me a text telling to meet her in Studio A. I shove my phone back into my pocket and stroll down the corridor leading to the studio.

I enter the room to see Jacquie pacing back and forth rather anxiously.

"I thought I'd be the one who would be doing what you're doing now," I joke.

She shoots a glare at me. "Noah, this isn't funny."

"What are you stressing about? Regionals? That's understandable, because we all are. Or is it your sister?"

Jacquie shakes her head and decides to sit down. I crouch down in front of her. She appears more tired than usual, with the evident bags under her eyes. Whatever this is, it's been keeping her awake at night. This isn't going to be good.

"Talk to me, Jacquie. I'm really worried about you right now."

"I can't," her chin trembles as she speaks.

"You can't or you won't?" I ask slowly.

"I just... I can't" Jacquie wipes the escaping tears from her eyes.

I rise to my feet and place myself beside her, pulling her close.

Lately, I've been thinking about leaving the studio. No one else knows about this yet. I still have to tell Jacquie, but I don't want to break her even more; especially when she's in this fragile state. All of this is going to swell up inside of me if I keep holding onto the thought of leaving.

"Jacquie," I say.

"Yes?" she rubs at her bloodshot eyes.

"There's something I need to talk to you about."

I know this never sounds good whenever someone says this, but I have to break the news. I kind of wish I didn't have to do this at this time and I would have to tell her eventually.

"Go on," she replies with furrowed eyebrows.

"I've thought about this so many times, but I reckon it's my turn to leave the studio."

"You're thinking of going? When?" Jacquie questions, looking panicked.

"Most likely after Regionals..." I trail off.

"So," she begins

"So?" I echo.

"This makes it easier for me to talk to you about what I've been stressing about lately. You."

Me? Was it something that I did to offend her? Did I accidentally miss something important? Now, I'm the one getting worked up about it. Since when could I be the problem? I can't even come up with a reason why, but it seems like Jacquie has one.

"It's going to be hard on both of us, but I think it's best if we stay as friends for now. You're leaving The Next Step, which means we can't be together," she confesses, another round of tears shimmer in her eyes.

"We can do long distance, Jacquie. Look –"

"We can't. I don't want to hold you back from whatever you choose to do."

"I love you, Jacquie."

"I love you too, Noah."

She leans towards me and our lips meet. I gently cup my hand on her cheek as I move my lips with hers. My heart yearns for more, but I must respect her decision and gradually let go of her. We kiss fiercely, like we never have before. Desperately savouring each other one last time before we have to part our ways. 

This is the breaking point of our relationship. The end that I didn't wish to have.

A/N: Apologies for such a late update, I've been on and off writing throughout the time between finishing the last chapter and writing this one.

Hope you guys enjoyed this one!

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