Chapter 12: Piece it together

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Jacquie's POV

As I walk to the locker room, I can hear a familiar but angry voice. I slow my pace as I near the doorway.

"...yesterday? What about the..."


Who made him get worked up like that?

Well, I need to stop this. It isn't nice to hear him yell.

I take a breath in and walk into the room.

Alright, I see who Noah's been shouting at now.

"Noah, what do you think you're doing?" I demand.

Noah freezes at the sight before him. A confused Richelle turns around.

I get that her actions yesterday were nasty, but to go off at her? That is just unacceptable.

There are so many things I want to say to him, but I don't know how to start.

"This isn't okay Noah," I say as I slowly approach him.

He folds his arms over his chest. "And why isn't it?"

"You can't just yell at Richelle like that!" I snap.

Noah sighs and angrily runs a hand through his hair. "What she did to all of us, I can't forgive her for it."

He then rushes out of the room.

Richelle's POV

I'm still in awe.

Jacquie standing up for me?

We haven't really gotten along with each other, but we aren't enemies...

"Hey Jacquie, thanks for standing up for me there," I offer a smile.

Jacquie shrugs. "I was only doing this for the team... even though you chose to betray us."

I roll my eyes and sigh. No one gets it do they?

"I didn't," I mutter.

Her eyes snap back to mine, giving me full attention.

"What did you just say?" she asks.

"I didn't betray the team," I repeat, keeping eye contact with her.

Jacquie arches her eyebrow at me. "Then what did you do?"

I bite my lip, then I sigh, "It's complicated."

I plant myself down on the bench. I gesture to Jacquie to sit down. She reluctantly sits down on the other end of the bench.

Without looking at me, Jacquie speaks. "Explain to me why you're doing this."

Wow Jacquie. This is why I got you to sit down with me in the first place. I need to tell you what my plans are, and hopefully you'll listen.

"That's exactly what I'm going to do," I reply irritably.

Jacquie's POV

Richelle just finished telling me her plans, but I'm not sure whether I should accept her ideas or not.

"I'll report back to the team at the end of the day. You can count me in on this," she says.

I hold my hand out to her. "It's a promise then?"

"Deal," she firmly shakes my hand.


Although we only were told information from Richelle yesterday, we're eager to make a move towards it. We're going to do this today. With a cramped timeframe, but that doesn't matter as long as we get rid of her.

Richelle is listing the last couple of things we need to do before she goes. We're the ones who are organising the room. Whereas Richelle, she's keeping Lily busy for as long as possible.

"Okay, Henry and Noah. You two can go get two tables so we can set it out to the side of the room," she says.

"Wait up, Richelle. Are you sure you know what you're doing?" Noah asks.

"Yes, I've already told all of you what the plan was. If you think it's not going to work, then you're no longer a part of this," Richelle replies plainly, her eyebrows raised.

"Yeah, yeah. I just wasn't sure this was going to work," he holds his hands up in surrender.

Richelle shoots him a glare.

"Noah, why don't you just wait and see? Otherwise, you can go," I declare.

He doesn't answer, but he keeps his feet planted to one spot. I see I've managed to shut him up for a bit. I've noticed that his anger is still evident in his eyes.

"Okay everyone. We all know what to do?" Richelle scans every face before her.

We all nod in agreement; even Noah gives a curt nod.

"Let's get to work."


We did it!

Miss Angela is finally leaving!

Although we look like a mess, we're staying a little longer to watch her depart. I feel pretty icky from all that cake wiped all over my face and I've still got some cream in my fingers.

"Come on Lily, we've got better places to be," her mum orders.

Lily starts to trail behind her mother, but she halts in her steps.

"Mum, there's something I want to say," and looks at her with a neutral expression.

"We don't have all day Lily. You can tell me when we've gone outside," she sighs impatiently.

Lily turns around so she can see both the team and her mother.

"I'm not only telling you about this mum; everyone else is going to hear this too."

Lily lifts her chin up, pausing before continuing to speak.

"I don't want to leave." 

A/N: Lily wants to stay?!

What would her mother think of that?

What would A-Troupe say?

She's always following her mother around from studio to studio. 

Maybe it's time for a change of scenery.

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