Chapter 9: Guess who's back!

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A/N: Here's a link to a tweet with a gif I found of Richelle but I couldn't find the actual gif -

"Moments of magic and wonder

It seems so hard to find."

Richelle's POV

Another morning, another day. Time to come back to the studio. I feel unsure on how I feel about this. I'm excited to dance again, but I still feel a little anxious about what the new A-Troupe would think of me.

Once I finish packing my dance bag, I head out to the front of my house and get into my car. I turn the key in the ignition to switch it on. I'm off to the studio, and who knows what could happen?

Noah's POV

I feel good. In fact, I feel a whole lot better after yesterday. Even though I may seem distracted today, I'm in the best mood. Right now, all of A-Troupe, except Lily, are cleaning the mirrors in Studio A. Miss Angela and Lily aren't around yet, but they could come any moment soon. I suggested that we need a dance-zilla to get rid of her, but we haven't decided who it should be.

There are soft but steady footsteps coming from down the hall. Hope they aren't here yet. I start wiping the same mirror I've been cleaning for the past fifteen minutes.

"Hey guys, I'm back!"

Richelle's back?! She didn't tell me this yesterday.

I turn around to greet her.

"Hey!" I say, and the rest of the troupe turn around. She's the dance-zilla we need.

Everyone says their hellos to her. Then I tell everyone to gather around.

"Richelle, you're the one we need to get rid of Miss Angela," I announce.

She looks at me. "So, how are we going to do this?"

"Well, I guess it's up to you," I respond.

Everyone else nods in agreement.

A new pair of footsteps echo in the corridor. We all look at each other in alarm and scurry back to the mirrors.

"Okay guys let's get warmed up before my mum gets here," Lily declares.

All of us share confused looks. I thought I'm dance captain, not Lily.

Summer steps forwards towards her. "Who said you're dance captain now?"

"I did," Miss Angela says in a matter of fact tone.

How on earth did Miss Angela turn up just before Lily got to answer Summer's question? How did she get here without us noticing her?

"Now, Lily will lead warmup while I get things sorted. You. New girl, what's your name?"

Richelle crosses her arms over her chest. "Richelle."

"You can join the others in warmup," she says with a flick of her hand.

Without a word, Richelle takes her place in a row for warmup. 


After rehearsal, I grab my bottle from my cubby and take a swig of water. We were working on our troupe dance. The choreo isn't that bad, but cheesy smiles aren't going to impress anyone.

"Noah! See you tomorrow," Jacquie chirps.

We hug and I reply, "Yep, see ya Jacquie."

She heads out of Studio A.

I need to go get my bag from the locker room, so I make my way there. I walk inside and see Richelle sitting on the couch curled up in a ball.

"Am I interrupting you?" I ask, casually leaning against the doorframe.

She lifts her head up from her knees. "No."

"Can I sit down with you?" I gesture to the space beside her.

"Yeah sure," she mumbles, and I sit down on the couch.

I interlace my fingers together in my lap. "What's up?"

"I don't know," Richelle sighs.

"Tell me about it."

"You guys are depending on me for this, and I've got no idea what to do."

"Hey, you'll figure it out soon. Just keep thinking about it," I reach out to place my hand on her shoulder.

Richelle gazes at me with uncertainty in her eyes. I watch her eyes as we sit there. It feels like we're in a timeless world. Nothing is moving. We are frozen in one place.

She abruptly stands up from the couch and turns to face me. I drop my hand.

"Noah," she says.


"Thanks," Richelle smiles. "For talking to me."

"You know that I'll be here for you whenever you want to talk, okay?" I return her smile.


We say our goodbyes, and Richelle leaves the locker room. I remember what I originally came here for: I needed to get my bag. I open my locker and grab my bag. Then I heave it onto my shoulder, shutting my locker door behind me. 

A/N: There should've been more scenes of Noah and Richelle's friendship in Season 6 so their duet at Regionals would've had a much more special meaning to it. They barely talked throughout the whole season.

Next chapter, things take an unexpected turn🤔

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