Chapter 13: Here, not anywhere

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Lily's POV

I stand in front of the whole A-Troupe without breaking my gaze. 

This is something I want to do. I want to stay with them. Out of all the studios my mum and I have been through, there's something here that makes me want to stay. The connection between the team members is so strong. They're always looking out for one another. 

My mother stands frozen in place, gaping at me. 

The rest of A-Troupe appear to be stunned or confused about this. I get it. It's out of the blue that I want to stay instead of going with my mum, but I guess I'm going with what my heart says.

Someone clears their throat. 

Mum. She carefully smooths her shirt down as she gathers herself up.

"Well Lily, I think we need to talk," and she walks off into the corridor.

With a sigh I storm off without looking back. My footsteps echo off the walls in the corridor as I head towards my mum. I stop and watch her face.

"What were you thinking?! Staying at this studio? No," she huffs, her arms crossed over her chest.

"Look mum, I want to stay here. Not move to some other studio," I calmly respond.

"Can't you see that The Next Step isn't suited for you? You're clearly better than them," she stretches her arm out in the direction of Studio A.

"Why does that matter? And no, you and I know that I'm not the best dancer," I mumble, looking at my feet.

She takes a step closer to me. "Lily, I want the best for you, and this studio isn't enough."

This is getting extremely frustrating. No matter how hard I try, she's not going to listen to what I've got to say. She always has to control many of my decisions that I should be allowed to make. For once, I would like to see her approve a suggestion of mine. Now that would make me happy.

"How can you be sure about that, mum? I'm sick of having to follow you around from studio to studio. I never had any friends out of all the studios we've been to, and I think I have a chance here. A chance to be free and make friends with other dancers. For once, I just want you to let me have my own freedom here, at this studio," I plead, interlacing my fingers together.

My mum is quiet for a moment, seemingly deep in thought. 

Then she raises her eyebrows and sighs, "I guess you've been reasonable enough. You can stay."

I gasp. "Really?" my eyes light up with excitement.

"On one condition: I'm letting you stay for a month, and I'll check in with the studio head to see whether I should let you dance there for the rest of the season."

"Thank you, mum!" I quickly pull her into a hug.

She was surprised at first, but she returns my hug happily.

"Okay Lily, you can head back to the troupe now," and she pulls away.

"I guess all I can say is go do your best, show them what you've got."

My mum starts to walk off, but then she turns around and glances at me.

With a brief wave goodbye, she sets off towards the exit.

I nod.

"I always will. And you don't need to be here to see that."

A/N: a short chapter this time because I was stuck for ideas on how to continue it, but I guess it ended on a happy note for Lily.

Did Lily make the right choice staying back with A-Troupe?

It won't keep us apartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora