Midnight - Prologue

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The muddy water splattered everywhere as the twelve year old girl's feet thudded in the puddles, across the deserted roads. The night wrapped itself around the fragile soul, trying to protect it from the evil. Her soft sobs bounced off the darkness surrounding her. Running faster, the girl made her way onto a dimly lit street with run down houses planted either side. The area was evidently the sort of place where a little child should never roam.

Thinking that she was safe, the girl stopped sprinting, but kept a fast steady walking pace. Malicious roars erupted from behind the child. She dared to look behind herself, and clutched her small denim jacket with her fists. The creature was surrounded by thick black fog. However, murderous, menacing red eyes shone through the dark mist looking right at the girl. Before thinking, she turned and ran.

She trembled in fear, and her echoing footsteps came to a halt as she collided with a hard wall. Two hands clutched the girl's shoulders, moving her back a bit from the wall- which was actually someone's chest.

"Are you okay?" A deep voice asked the twelve years old. In reply the girl let out a cry. "What happened?" the man questioned, this time hoping for a proper answer.

"T-th-the mon-monster- killed my parents, a-and n-n-ow he's h-here." she cried. The man let out a groan when she said monsters, then stood in front of the girl, protectively. His eyes started to glow and a flame lit in his hand. The little girl's sobs quietened as she watched in awe. Everything went eerily silent.

"Hey, don't worry. Everything will be okay, I'll-" but before he could finish his sentence, a shadow of darkness whirled around them, circling them. The man guarded the girl, and attacked the creature. He muttered some latin words under his breath and threw small balls of bright light out towards the thing, it didn't look like it would do much damage but the monster started to retreat.

The creature left, leaving the elemental and child alone in the hands of the night.

The man turned to the confused kid. "What's your name?"

After a little hesitation the girl said, "Tamara. Tamara Rose."

"Well Tamara, I'm Matt, and I'm going to tell you something really important. Okay?" he told her, smiling gently. Matt lead Tamara towards a sleek black car, whilst telling her things she could only have dreamt off. Her parents and teachers had always warned her to never get into a stranger's car, but at that moment she didn't have the strength to tell the difference between logic and illogic or right and wrong. So without protest she followed the man who saved her life. She felt safe with him, Tamara also thought that maybe she knew this man from somewhere, maybe that was why she was trusting him so blindly. 

Even if he was some killer, what was the worst he could do? Murder her? Well he could go right ahead, she had nothing left to live for... 


A/N: So this is the new book I started called Midnight. It was insired by the song Midnight City, and is an entry for a competition on Wattpad called Wattpad's Got Talent :)

Anyways hope you like :)

Vote. Commet. <3 <3 <3

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