"Have any ideas?" He asked and I shook my head.

"You wanna dance?" Jimin asked after a while and I nodded my head as he began to sway us from side to side. "Song?" He asked and I thought for a bit.
"Ooo I was gonna say Troublemaker but no." I chuckled and Jimin laughed.
"Don't wanna be even more awkward than before. Well played." He said as I thought again.
"Ring Ding Dong by Shinee sunbaenims?" I asked and he nodded but didn't make any move. "Uh hyungie." I poked his arm.
"I want to but I wanna stay here now." He said and I set up a slow and peaceful song on my phone. Coffee, by us.

Jimin smiled into my hair and moved us across the room slowly until the song finished.
"I'm already bored." I huffed and heard some commotion coming from down the hallway.
"Shh! Jin hyung told us to be secretive!" I heard a voice that belonged to Taehyung.
"Oh my god. So secretive." Jimin chuckled as they approached the door and peered through the window to see Jimin and I grinning at them.
"She was telling Jin hyung the truth!" Jungkook exclaimed as he unlocked the door and opened it wide, him and Taehyung entering.
"No more awkwardness!" Hoseok exclaimed as he entered the room, followed by Yoongi, Namjoon and finally Jin.

"See oppa I was telling you the truth." I told Jin.
"Drop the oppa act, it's starting to feel creepy hearing it from you of all people." Jin smiled at me and I just shrugged my shoulders.
"So when did the awkward atmosphere disappear?" Namjoon asked.
"Right before I called Jin hyungie, and he ignored my statement of the truth." I said as I placed my hand over my heart in fake offence.
"Is Jimin hyung going to let go of you?" Taehyung asked.
"Nah, we've been awkwardly keeping distance from each other for 16 days. I want to spend a lot of time with him right now." I answered Taehyung.

"Well let's leave these two here then." Jin concluded and I was confused.
"Wait what, are we not going home?" I asked.
"We're going home. You've still got 5 and a half hours until you'll be home." Jin smirked and I slid down onto my knees in front of him trying to be as dramatic as possible.
"Please oppa, please let us come back. It's so boring in here." I pleaded as I tried not to laugh.
"Oh fine then, but, you two will be locked in the bedroom until 5pm. Chop chop then." Jin said as he pulled me up off the floor and we left the company.

~At the Dorm~

As soon as we got in we were directed to the bedroom and locked in, again.
"Well then atleast we've got a, scratching the surface of, good internet connection here." I stated as I got up into Jimin's bed. "And we also have beds." I said and tapped beside me and Jimin got up too.

We got comfy and I went onto Netflix as Jimin looked confused.
"Right hyung, as we're stuck in here you have no other choice than to watch this with me." I said. "Welcome to the world of the best American sitcom, Brooklyn Nine-Nine. I'll put Korean subtitles on for you, it's extremely funny." I explained and snuggled up to Jimin as we watched all the Season 1 episodes that had been released so far.

After the last one, so far, finished I was already asleep and Jimin turned my phone off before sleeping beside me.

~Time Skip~

Jimin and I have just been freed from the captivity of a locked bedroom. We slept for about 2 and a half hours then woke up about 5 minutes before Hoseok unlocked the door.

Jimin went straight to the living room to play games with the rest of the maknae line but I'm on my bed writing some lyrics that I just thought of, although I probably won't use them for years.

The moment I noticed myself
I had to leave
I had to find out
All day all night

Across the desert and the sea
This wide, wide world
I was wandering
Baby I

Heartbeat - The 8th Member [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now