Chapter 15

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Lucy's POV

I gulped as the murderer said those last words. I looked at Dylan who had his hands balled into fists, his jaw clenched.

When Hazel's dad was gone, Dylan pulled us into a hug. I rested my head on his shoulder. "What are we going to do Dylan? We can't run forever!"

"How about we adopt Hazel?"

My eyes brightened at his suggestion. I nodded eagerly. I guess you could say we are a little family now.


Hazel's POV

After I saw Daddy hurt Mummy, I ran to the nearest person. A nice looking girl came up to me and asked me what was wrong. She saw the scene and went to get the doctors. I've never been to a hospital since I was born because Mummy said the hospital people don't like Mummy and Daddy.

Lucy picked me up and took me to the loo loos.

A boy , who looked Lucy's age, kissed Lucy. I have never seen Mummy and Daddy kiss. Only on the telly. Mummy said it's just silly rouge wrestling.

Daddy came out the loo loo with read paint on him. He was handcuffed and taken away with the police men.

Daddy said he was going to kill Lucy and Dylan like he did to Mummy.

I didn't want him to do that. I liked Lucy. I liked Dylan. I liked Mummy. I've decided that I didn't like Daddy anymore. He didn't make me smile, he just made my life sad. :(

I wanted to stay with Lucy and Dylan. I liked them. Dylan gave Lucy and me a hug. I felt... I finally felt like I belonged...


Lucy's POV

I smiled as we got out of the tunnel. The metallic stench of blood had finally left my nostrils.

It was a relief to drive out of that tunnel. That was enough drama for one day.

Yet we still had a long car journey to Paris yet. I sighed and looked at Dylan. "Should we get something to eat?" I suggested. He nodded and looked over his shoulder. Hazel was curled up into a ball asleep. She had had a long day I guess.

Dylan pulled into the nearest McDonald's.

"Drive through or go inside?"

"Can we stay inside?" I asked. He nodded and parked into a free car parking space. He opened the car door. I opened my door and got out to find Dylan holding a sleepy Hazel.

" Aw is someone sleepy?" I grinned at Hazel, pinching her cheeks.

She blinked a few times before opening her beautiful Hazel eyes and smiling. She giggled and her eyes brightened as she saw the McDonald's.

"MACDONALD'S!" She cried. "Are we in France yet?"

"Yes we are in France, but we still have a long car ride to Paris!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2012 ⏰

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