Chapter 14

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"A dead body? Are you sure you aren't hallucinating?" Dylan widened his eyes.

"No! I saw a dead body!" I crossed my arms.

"I highly doubt that-"

A middle aged man, with dark brown hair, barged 'past us into the toilet. I looked over Dylan's shoulder. He was scrubbing blood off his hands roughly, muttering "This can't be happening, this can't be happening!"

I patted Dylan on the arm and told him to turn around. Dylan gasped. "Is that blood?"

I nodded. The man looked up and frowned. "CAN'T I HAVE ANY PRIVACY?"

He charged at the door and shut it.

"not if your'e a cold blooded murdering freak!" I muttered.

"Wait, he killed someone?"

Dylan gasped.

"Duh, why else is there blood on his hands and a dead body?"


"Right, you keep an eye on him while I get help!"

"What! There is a murderer in there?!?"

"Man up!"

I ran to the carriage where Hazel was waiting for me. I sighed in relief, the last thing I needed was her running away!

I clutched her hand and said "We need to get some help!"

She frowned "Can't Daddy get the paint off his hands? He was always rubbish at DIY!"

"Something like that!"

We ran to the very first carriage where the person in charge was.

"Excuse me sir?" I asked. The man looked up. "Yes ma'am?"

"I really need your help, there's been a murder!"


"A murder! This little girl's dad smashed his wife's head against the wall and now he's in the toilet rubbing off the blood! My boyfriend is guarding the toilet door and not letting him out!"

He took in all of the bad news and ran of to get help, assuring us that he'll be back and everything will be okay.

I crouched down to Hazel's level. "Hazel, your Daddy did a very bad thing today! He hurt your Mummy badly. He will be going to a place for a very long time!"

"Can I stay with you?"

"I don't know darling! Don't you have any other family?"

"No! Daddy and Mummy are always taking me to strange places! They love painting people red! I have no other family, they have all gone to the angels, Mummy said!"

I hugged Hazel tight in my arms. The man came back with some other men and a police man and a paramedic.

"Where are they?"

"I'll show you!" I placed Hazel on my hip and buried her head into my chest so she couldn't see her Mummy dead.

After I had led the paramedics to Hazel's dead Mum, I led the policemen to where Dylan and the murderer was...


Dylan's POV

I rest my back against the bathroom door, waiting for Lucy to come back.

I really like Lucy and I wanted this trip to be perfect, but no... A murderer has to come aboard on the tunnel.

I heard a trickle of water and then the blow of a hand dryer and BAM!BAM! BAM!

I was almost thrown forward as the murderer tried smashing the door open.

"If you don't open this door, you will end up like my wife... DEAD!" The deluded man cried.

Two male policemen came running up to me, following them was Lucy with a little girl who had her head buried into Lucy's chest.

As I ran to Lucy's side, the two policemen took over.

"Lucy! Are you okay? Who's this?" I pointed at the little girl.

"I'm fine! Are you? This is Hazel! The murder's daughter!"

"I'm fine, just got a murder threat! And why is Hazel with you?"

"She has no other family, her parents are murderers, could we at least give her, her French holiday she damn right deserves!"

I raked my fingers through my hair and sighed. To be honest, this was the las thing I needed. But I looked at Lucy and the little girl and nodded "Okay, we'll take her to Paris, and then we'll work it out from there!"

Lucy grinned and said to Hazel. "Guess who's going on holiday?"

Hazel giggled "Me? Yay! You two are the bestest people on Earth!"


Hazel's father came out of the toilet in handcuffs, followed by two policemen. He spat blood on the floor.

"I'll get you! You can't hide forever! You two will end up like that stupid lady who was my wife!

And don't think I won't kill Hazel too! She's not even my daughter! That damn lady lied to me! I will kill you when I get out of this mess... I'll make sure of that!"

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