Chapter 2- The Storm

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He pressed his lips into mine...

The thunder groaned, shaking the corn this way and that. The earth below us rumbled. I looked at Dylan as he let go of me. "I don't think it's safe to film anymore..."

"Me either..." He mumbled.

Suddenly, fork lighting struck one of the trees nearby. We looked at each other in shock. Dylan grabbed my wrist and pulled me to safety as the tree crashed down right where we were standing.

"You saved my life?" I whispered.

"I had to or our director would kill me. Do you know how hard it is to find good actresses these days?"

"Oh so you think I'm a good actress?"

"You're not that bad... but there is better!" He smiled. I punched him in the arm playfully. Then, I remembered that we were in a storm.

"Quick! Let's move!" I shouted. But it was too late. Lighting struck another tree and the tree fell onto my foot as I tried to run away.

I screamed in pain. Dylan crouched down beside me and whispered. "I need to get help!"

"BE QUICK PLEASE!" I begged. The pain in my foot was like a thousand needles stabbing into my heart. My foot was starting to feel numb due to the vast amount of blood loss.

It seemed to take hours for Dylan to come back with help but Dylan said he was only five minutes.

He had come back with the film crew. Martin and Freddie, the two camera men and Henry and Nathan, the lighting managers, managed to lift up the tree high enough so Dylan could remove my foot from under the tree.

Lillian, the make-up artist, cut a bandage and wrapped it round my wound. I looked at the bandage- I could already see blood seeping through the bandage.

"I can hear sirens!" Dylan said to the others. "Quickly, let's lift her up carefully and carry her to the ambulance!"

I winced in pain as they lifted me up and carried me into the ambulance. Just before they closed the ambulance doors, Dylan murmured to me "Everything is going to be alright!"

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