Aizawa's POV
"Woah! We haven't been in a car in a LONG time haven't we, Zuki?" Nozomonai asked Akatani as she looked outside through the car window.

"I wouldn't call those car rides" Akatani answered looking at the car window at his side.

"When was the last time you two were on a car?" Sansa asked.(he's the police officer with a cat head Aizawa's internal struggle not to pet him must be real)

"Ummmm let me think" Nozomonai said placing her finger to her lips.

"Since we were five" Akatani answered. "That's when we met."

"Oh yeeeeaaaaahhhhh" Nozomonai said. "Thanks Tuni!"

"Tuni???" I thought confused. "What has she called him already? Itzuki, Itsuki, Itzuku, Aka, Tani And now Tuni. Jeez he has a lot of nicknames. Or she just really does not care about names."

"What did you two think of your now mother?" I asked.

"She's great!" Nozomonai said whirling her head to look at me. "Are you two married?"

I nod my head.

Her face suddenly gained curiosity.

"Have you two had sex before?"

I choked on air hearing this question from her.

"Why is that your concern!?!" I asked.

"Well it was more of a random question than a concern" Akatani said. "Also never ask what Nozomonai does, she just does it."

"Okay then" I said regaining myself. "To put it simply, yes."

"So do you two have any kids?" Nozomonai asked.

"No" I answered.

"Interesting" She said.

"What is seriously up with this kid?"

"How long have you two been married?" Akatani asked.

"A year" I answered. "Mind if I ask you two a question?"

"Sure I don't see the harm" Akatani answered.

"Okay!" Nozomonai answered.

"What do you two plan on doing now?" I asked.

The two went silent for a bit.

"Be a pro hero I guess" Akatani said.

"Really?" I asked. "Why is that?"

"Dunno honestly" Akatani answered.

He looked down not facing me or Nozomonai.

"My memory of my birth parents is...... fuzzy" he started. "I hardly remember them at all."

My attention was fully directed now towards him now as this could be important in our investigation of them.

He placed his left hand on his left cheek and rested it down a bit.

"I also don't quite remember my friends back then either....."

I see that Nozomonai is looking at him with pity in her eyes as he continues.

"Don't even remember what they look like... except one of them."

I notice that Sansa is more interested now as this information could be crucial.

"He had spiky ash blonde hair and blood red eyes..... his quirk is a blur, all I remember is that smoke is involved."

"A fire quirk maybe?"

"We were really young... around four" he continued. "The topic of 'what do you wanna be when you grow up' came up. I remember what he, I and pretty much the entire class said."

He raised his head a bit, his hand still on his cheek.

"A pro hero."

His hand left his cheek and he rested both his arms on his lap and sighed.

"I.... had quite a big dream of being a pro hero back then but now..... I dunno" he said. "I don't remember why I chose to be a pro hero but I'm sticking with it."

His fists clenched as he continued.

"It's the only good memory of the past before Nozomonai that I have."

That was the chap can anyone guess what happened to them yet?

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