Hunter had just, he'd had a bad start to life. I didn't exactly know the details, but Chris had explained more or less what happened to his adoptive son. From what I'd been told, Hunter's real parents hadn't been nice at all. He was put through all types of abuse for 13 years and from what I believe, even raped by his own Father. So 13 years of absolute hell, and then his Father decides to shoot the Mother. Luckily before shooting Hunter, the Police came. I didn't know anything about Hunter's Dad after that. Hunter told me he was dead, but Chris never spoke of it.

All of this, was a no go zone. One word and Hunter would fall into an urge of violence and as of witnessing that many times, I did not want it to happen again.


"You sure you can manage all-"

"I'm fine," Hunter muttered as he grabbed a few rucksacks off Chris. Chris, sighing and rolling his eyes, stared after Hunter as he followed my Mom. Hunter hated my Mom, for reasons I would probably never know. They just, didn't get along. But then, that was normal for Hunter. Apart from Chris, I didn't know anyone he actually got along with.

"Is he alright?" I asked, knowing already what the answer was.

Chris just sighed and handed me my bag. "Who knows?"

Walking into the room, I collapsed on the couch next to Hunter. For a brief moment, our shoulders were touching and this didn't bother me at all. In fact, I was kinda comfy.

"Fuck off," Hunter muttered and shoved me away. I looked at him with disbelief, but his glare overpowered mine and I scooted towards the edge of the couch.

"So, where's my room?"

"Oh, that's actually the thing we wanted to talk to you about." Mom explained as she rolled her suitcase through the door. Walking over to stand in front of the couch, she put her hands on her hips. "We didn't want to waste money on getting a 3 bedroom flat. Rent is already hard enough with all the travelling. So you and Hunter are just going to-"

"Kill each other," I snapped. "Mom, you can't be serious? I'm not sharing a room with him,"

"Agreeing with the bitch," Hunter murmured; not even looking up.

"Oh come on," Mom smiled. "It'll be fun,"

"Like hell it will! Mom, come on?!"

"It's settled," Chris said sharply. "Hunter, you spend too much time on your own anyway and-"

"Fuck you," Hunter growled, making me jump a little.

Chris ignored him though, he just carried on. "..and maybe this will bring you closer together. It can be a good thing. Remember when Kat used to sleep in your room when she and her Mom stayed round?"

"Yeah and he threw stuff at me!"

"She snores,"

"What? No I don't!"

"You cry,"

"I cry?"

"Yes. In your sleep,"

"Fuck off Hunter,"

"Yeah," Hunter laughed a little. It was an emotionless laugh, no humor in it at all. He just looked at me and smiled. "I already tried that though, didn't i?"

"Don't even go there,"

"Then don't make me,"

"Guys come on," Chris groaned. "If you still can't stand it in a couple of weeks, you can take turns sleeping in the front room. Is that ok?"

"No," we both said in union.

"Then get used to it. I can't stand this right now, just go to sleep. Both of you,"

So me and Hunter were lying in bed. Seperate beds of course. They weren't far away from each other though, if i stretched my arm out then I could probably slap him. But I wouldn't. Slapping Hunter would result in either one of two ways. One, he would freak out. Memories of abuse would come back to him and he would panic. Or two, he would murder me.

"Hunter? Are you ok?"

"Fuck off Taylors," he snarled; adressing me by my last name.

Ugh. He was so awkward. He was just one of those guys that you wanted to punch in the face. He was such a fucking pain, such a fucking bother, such a fucking..god, he was a fucking delinquent.


(AN) I dunno why I decided to make another version of this. I guess I just missed it. Cut Me Apart's almost over, and I just didn't wanna say bye to Kat&Hunter. If you haven't red the 1st one, erm, hi =3 if you have red the first one, don't get all pissy with me for writing it again. the other one will always stay up, i just feel like i need to make a more serious version without all the joking and shit. it's still gonna have all the joking shit, but i need to be more serious about it.

thanks for reading(:

Don't read this if you can't handle swearing, sex scenes, abuse and violence. ok? i'm only warning you once(:

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