Without a word, Malik quickly taps on his phone and makes a call.

"Cyrus, fifteen minutes to finish that thing. We're flying to Big Sky." I hear him saying in a menacing voice and the call doesn't last longer. "Done. Anything else?" He grins at me.

Wow! My eyes glow.

"No, I'll go change." I smile in awe.

I quickly change into a white maxi dress that's perfect for a lovely summer date. Except that I'm not going on a date. With my curls tied up, and brown sunglasses on, I'm so good to go.

My self-confidence is all that I need right now to beat my demons before they make me feel undeserving of good things in life.

"Long dresses are also beautiful on you, huh?" Malik comments when I step outside, his tone as playful as always.

What a tease.

My smile is wider as we near the helicopter. Cyrus, the pilot, regards me with a simple hello, and I answer as given.

"Ready?" Malik asks him.

"Yes, sir," Cyrus replies.

Malik gives me a hand climbing in, and I grab it so naturally. I sit at the back and he sits at the front. The seats are comfortable and the cabin is spacious enough for me to see outside without troubles.

Minutes pass by as Cyrus sets his mechanics. He puts on an enormous headset—which we all do. After a short moment a deafening sound that sets my adrenaline on fire, and I start grinning at the quivering sensation in my stomach.

It's my first time riding in a helicopter and I can't complain. The air blown around is so exhilarating; it makes me feel problem free. Slowly we hit the sapphire blue sky, watching everything else lagging down.

"Wo-hoo!" I shout, my eyes gleaming like a toddler.

"Loving it!" Malik yells, laughing.

"You bet I do!" I yell back.

We fly above so many interesting features: the giant trees, the green grasses, the mountains, until I finally spot something like a park with animals running around streaming into view.

"Is this the Yellowstone National Park?" I shout out to be heard by Malik.

"Yeah, Professor," he answers loudly. "Should I push you off?" He laughs wickedly.

"Not funny, Malik! Not funny at all!" I retort, and it makes him laugh even louder, together with Cyrus.

Apparently this is the first national park in America; so I'm kind of elated to finally see it even from above. I see a group of American Bison running around. The chopper heads south as we meander down the Gelatin Canyon, putting my camera into use.

Moments later we arrive at the famous Big Sky County. Damn! It's way more beautiful than I imagined. It's like something from an old book, its architecture old and vintage. The snow covers most of its landscapes, giving me a little taste of winter amid the summer.

I simply love nature.

"And here is the Big Sky, baby!" Malik shouts like a maniac when we finally land on some open field, the wind too strong to keep my eyes focused.

"Yeah, it's exquisite!" I reply loudly.

"Now wait until I show you what's best about this place," Malik brags and I grin happily.

Promenading around the heart of Big Sky is what Malik and I do for more than three hours. We talk, we laugh, and the best part is shopping at both the high end stores downtown and a local market. So far, my day has become quite splendid.

Moments later Malik takes me to this beautiful resort located on a mountain, for lunch. It's filled with tourists, and I can tell why, because from up here you can see the whole of Big Sky without struggling much.

I still don't understand why Americans disregard the Montana state. I think it's a little heaven on Earth.

Seated comfortably, eating and drinking, Malik starts his unexpected inquiries. "Will you tell me what's wrong with you now?" He narrows his eyes at me, and my smile fades instantly.

I feel alarmed.

"There's nothing wrong. Why? Do I look in trouble?" I chuckle.

He knows!

"Aren't you running away right now?" Malik asks, and he's damn right. "Come on, Kira, I know you like Liam."

Damn, are we that indiscreet? How did he find out? I fail to answer.

"Don't worry a thing, Professor, your secret is safe with me." Malik reclines back in his chair, his lips stretched into a soft smile. "It's the first time I'm seeing Liam so engrossed in romance," he says out of the blue.

What? I try to look unaffected by clearing my throat.

"I'm very positive that's not true," I remark while drinking my sangria.

Like seriously? First time? I don't buy it.

"Well, Liam is one of the people who don't know how to beat around the bushes." Malik's gaze is so earnest that I feel condescended, talking to an uncle. "If he shows even a slight interest on something, then it means he's indeed serious about it."

Why is he telling me this?

"So, you mean he's never been serious with a woman before?"

"I didn't say that. Goodness!" Malik is amused. I arch my brows inquisitively. He clears his throat and adds, "Let's say . . . he's indeed serious with you. Maybe more than I've ever seen him before."

"Why? Did he go through some rough patch as far as romance is concerned?" I ask.

"Professor"—Malik leans over the table, as he's seated across from me—"if you're that curious about his story then it means you are interested in him," he says coolly.


"See?" Malik shoots me a scandalized index, back to the typical playboy. Jeez! "I was so damn right! When did you fall for him? How? And why?"

"Malik!" I groan, and he laughs even harder. "You've got it all wrong." My eyes betray my words.

"Okay, I'll pretend I believe you." He sips his own drink, and I tuck my lip between my teeth. "In my opinion, you like him, and he likes you."

"Just drink your Sangria." I pour him another one.

"Sure." He rolls his big eyes.

"But we can't always get what we want," I think out loud, sighing. "That would be too selfish, right?"

"I don't know," Malik replies coolly, sipping his drink. "But everyone deserves to be happy."

I know that.

"And what if it comes with a high price? What if someone has to be hurt for another to be happy?" I fix my eyes on the glass I'm holding, tilting it to the sides, Malik's intense gaze on me.

"Would you rather sacrifice your own happiness so that another won't get hurt?" he asks casually, and my heart tightens. "Is that what's happening to you?" He now sounds serious.

Maybe? Well, it doesn't matter.

"No." I face him with a smile. "But if it happens, perhaps I'll sacrifice mine. Stupid, isn't it?"

"Depends on your reasons, Professor. It can be stupid, but it can also be noble," Malik answers. "Oh, but I'm not a great believer of nobility," he adds, and we both laugh.

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