Chapter eight

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Iris's POV:

I woke up to a bright light blinding me, I shield my eyes trying to protect them. "Good, you're finally awake," someone says coming out of nowhere. "My name is Ms.Mitchell i'm the schools nurse," she must've seen my confused expression. "What happened?" i asked her as she sat down in one of those rolling chairs. "Well sweaty, you were in class and you were asking the teacher a question and mid sentence you fell to the ground landing on you head," I tried to get up but she told me to just lay down and to relax. "The good news is, is you didn't get any major injuries. The bad news is you might have some headaches throughout the weekend so I recommend you don't do anything really active. I've checked everything out and you're good to go."

Getting up, I noticed mattia was sleeping in one of the waiting chairs, I couldn't bring myself to wake him up after what i did this morning. I don't know why he was in the nurses office and why he waited for how long i was in there for. I had also noticed that my things were here too, he must've brought them for me, he's the sweetest. As i went to collect my things, i heard him shift and start to wake up. "Hey iris," he said kindly, "thank you, mattia for bringing me my stuff, did you bring me here?" he was taken aback by my nice attitude. "Yea, after you fell the teacher asked two people to bring you and so me and kairi brought you," he got up and headed towards the door.

"Mattia! wait up," i yelled after him, he stopped and turned around. "Yes," he looked confused as to what i would want. "I am so sorry for this morning and how i had said all that stupid shit to you, it was unfair and uncalled for. You did nothing to me and you introduced me to your friends and you didn't spare a second. You did not deserve my attitude this morning and neither did the rest of them. I need to apologize to them as soon as possible, and if you don't accept my apology then that's fine. And about josh, that was just beyond the line, I know what he did to y'all and yet I still fucked y'all over and hung out with him. So if you don't accept my apo-" i didn't get to finish my statement as i felt his soft pink lips on mine.

It felt magical, not like the other time we kissed, this felt meaningful. At that moment, I knew i could trust him and he wouldn't let go of me even if it meant giving up something. Every emotion that i had felt in my whole entire life was poured out into the kiss. We finally pulled away from each other and looked each other in the eyes. I could feel the heat of his body radiating onto mine, the only thing i could feel at this very moment was calmness. His eyes opened up a new door into him and another door was closed. I could see what he was feeling and it was lust, his eyes held so much in them that it was hard to describe what.

"I guess that means you do?" he chuckled and we made our way to his car. The whole way back to my house was held in a comfortable silence with our gazes in front of us. Once we got there, he got out and raced around to open my door. "Thank you," i said as we made our way to the front door, "do you want to sleepover? My dad is on a trip and my mom decided to go with him and so I have a month to myself," he looked at me and nodded his head fast. As soon as i opened the door and closed it, i was slammed into a wall with my hands pinned above my head. Mattia leaned down to my ear and whispered "so, you're home alone, huh?" he said biting my earlobe. I gasped at the feeling and at that same moment he pulled away, I gave a dissapointing sigh as he smirked.

"Wanna swim?" i asked him forgetting about the fact that he didn't have a swimsuit. "Sure, lemme go back to my house to get one, you go get changed so i can come back to see your beautiful body," i shivered a his demanding tone and did what he said. I got changed into one of my bikinis and went to go get two towels. Heading outside with both towels in one hand and my phone in another, i put them down on one of the chairs and wait for mattia to come back. My phone went off with a notification from the same number from earlier; 'can't believe you're with that scumbag, when you could just have me. i can make you feel good in other ways too' now i'm starting to really get scared.

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