Chapter six

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Iris's POV:
I fell down on the floor once I heard my fucking alarm blaring in my ear. Slamming down on my phone I say "Jesus fuck, you trying to give me a heart attack?". Stumbling over to the bathroom, I close the door and empty my bladder.

Once I'm done, I grab my clothes that I'm going to wear today and go take a shower. I enter the bathroom closing the door and find a towel. When I've found one, I adjust the temperature to just how I like it and hurry up. I don't really think of too much, because quite frankly it's a school morning.

Getting out of the shower, I get dressed and head downstairs to grab some breakfast

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Getting out of the shower, I get dressed and head downstairs to grab some breakfast. And no surprise here that my parents are here since they're at work. I just grab a banana and my bag and head out the door. As I'm heading out the door, I remember that I forgot my phone upstairs. Grabbing it, I head downstairs and grab my house keys and shut the door.

I started to walk to school when I heard a car honk. "You need a ride?" Mattia shouted from the drivers seat with Kairi in the passenger seat. "Sure," I reply opening the back door. We start to drive to school even though it was like around the corner from our neighborhood. He parked once we got there and we got out.

Everyone started to stop what they were doing and just stared at me. "Just ignore it iris, you're fine, they're just wondering who you are," Kairi said trying to ignore them looking at us as we walked. Some of the looks were curious and some were mean.

They eventually bring me to the office and the front lady asked for my name. "Iris Lancaster," I replied as she looked for my schedule. "Here's you schedule and locker/ locker number," she handed me my schedule and we walked out. Throughout the hallways, they got heys and some high fives. Some boys even whistled at me and looked me up and down.

Mattia glared at them and they turned their heads so fast that I think some of them got whiplash. We finally get to my locker and I enter my combination. "Aren't you guys gonna go to your lockers?" I ask looking at my schedule. "Well we emailed our teachers telling them that we wouldn't be in class today because we would be helping you," mattia responded while Kairi nodded his head. "Okay, lemme show you my schedule," I handed them my schedule and they looked over it.

"We both have your 1st, 3rd,4th,6th and 7th how crazy?" Kairi said looking up at my from it. "Some of our friends has your 2nd and 5th with you, and speaking of them here they come," mattia said looking back at a group at guys with a girl. "Hey guys, who are you?" The tall one said to me. "I'm iris, who are y'all?" I asked politely.

"Iris this is Alejandro," he points to the one that has his arm around a girl that I'm thinking is his girlfriend. "This is Alvaro," he points to the one next to Alejandro. "This is roshuan," he points to the tall one who talked to me. "And this here is Robert," he points to the guy next to roshuan. "And this here is Tate, Alejandro's girlfriend," she waved at me with a smile on her face as Alejandro kissed her on the cheek.

"Nice to meet you," they said as they started to talk about random stuff. I felt Like I was a burden and so I decided it would be a good idea to just go find my first period on my own. I started to walk and good thing they didn't notice because I didn't want them to stop because of me. I looked at my schedule and realized I had calculus first period.

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