A Bodyguard!? Seriously?!

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(No Ones Pov)

     It had been a good couple of weeks since your father and you were reunited. According to him, you weren't allowed to go outside in public without his say so, no matter though. During that time up until now, you had been able to occupy yourself daily. Between Chrissy teaching you about everything that goes on around there and Boris hanging out with you every now and then when he wasn't on the job, you were able to be pretty entertained. 

     Today though, hoh-boy, today was the final straw. You were laying on the ground in the middle of the common area of the mansion, just staring blankly up at the ceiling. You had grown tired of the facts and trivias from Chrissy, and today, your uncle Boris was too busy to hang out with you. 

     You had thought of seeing if your father was chilling in his office upstairs, but knowing how busy of a man he could be on week days, you decided against it. "Uuuggghhhhhhhhhh!" You exclaimed, running your hands over your face in excruciating boredom. Letting your arms flop to the ground beside you, you let your mind wonder as you spaced off into the patterns on the walls. 

     Before you knew it, seconds turned into minutes, and minutes into hours. You tangled your fingers deep within the carpet you laid upon. That was until the silence was interrupted by the sound of the front door opening, then closing with a crisp click. Honestly at this point, you didn't care who it was. All you cared for at the moment was the sweet release of death, literally anything to get you out of this boredom. 

     Suddenly a tall figure loomed over you, hands on their hips and what seemed like a tail swaying back and forth. "So uh, you dead oorrr?" He said, it was Benicio. "Sadly not, though I have succumbed to the tickly, fuzzy embrace of the possibilities of separate realities other than ours. Otherwise, I'm just peachy." You said as you gave him a cold death defying gaze. 

     There was a small moment of silence between the two of you. That was until your father let out a small snort, then burst out in a mild laughing fit. This set off a chain reaction, making you a laughing mess, by the end of it you had your arms wrapped around your abdomen. "You are my daughter, that's for sure." He said, still dying down from the little moment. 

     The demon extended his gloved hand to you. "On another note, I got a little surprise for ya!" He said with a bit of hype in his voice as he offered to help you up. You excitedly took his hand and let him pull you up to your feet. "What is it?" You asked as you dusted yourself off from being on the floor. "Well I can't tell ya, that ruins the point of the 'surprise'!" He stated. "Now before we go anywhere else, I'm gonna need you to put this on for me." He said as he handed you what seemed to be a blindfold. You shrugged your shoulders and went with it, putting the cloth around your eyes, tying it snuggly behind your head.

     Your vision now consisted of an almost completely pitch black void, being only able to see the luminescence of the lights on the outside of the black cover. You stuck your hands out as an attempt to find your father. A pair of gloved hands took hold of yours, beginning to guide you through the mansion. "No peeking~!" He spoke in a sing-song voice. You giggled, returning the sing-song voice. "Okaaayy~!". 

     As you were being escorted by your father, you couldn't help but notice some chatter happening outside of your blindfold. You couldn't really tell who was talking and what they were saying, but you could hear them for sure. Suddenly you came to a stop and Benicio turned you towards what you assumed would be your surprise. "Now, I know how badly you've been wantin' to get out of the mansion for a while. So I've come up with a solution to that problem." He explained, this got you super hyped. "You're gonna let me go out on my own!?" You exclaimed with a smile. You felt him begin to untie the blindfold. "Not completely on your own." He said as he removed the blindfold. You opened your (E/c) eyes were met with a pair of dark, chocolate brown ones; it was a boy. You took a quick moment to take in his features. He looked to be the same height as your father, he wore a black suit with a white tie. Not to mention that his hair looked like a cloud with the way it looked; sides shaved with a very nice fade and complimented with a good sum of dark brown fluffiness on top. Normally you'd want to ask to touch it, but right now, you were disappointed.

     "Darlin', I'd like for you to meet our newest recruit, James. He will be your personal bodyguard." Benicio introduced him, motioning to the guy in front of you. He didn't really seem to be the bodyguard type; he was a tiny bit on the slim side, but he had some muscular build to him. "A bodyguard?? Seriously?!!" You exclaimed, now not paying any mind to James, your attention was on your pops. "Yes, a bodyguard. I can't have you out in the streets with no one to protect you. And since Boris and I cant be that person for you, we have James here to do it for us." He explained, not phased at all by the fire in your eyes as he looked down at you. "Are you saying I can't protect myself?" You asked, sounding a bit hurt by the statement. He put his hands up to chest height in a defensive way. "I'm not implyin' anythin', but if you're gonna go out and about; I want to make sure that you're safe." He countered, putting his hands down and in his pockets. 

     "This is totally uncalled for, I'd rather stay in my room with nothing to do but stare at paint dry than go into town with some Joe Shmoe." You protested, pointing at James without even looking at him. Poor guy hasn't even said a word. "Not to mention he's a rookie!" You whisper yelled to your father.  "So you're sayin' you don't want to go out and have fun tonight?" He asked,  playing a reverse phycology trick, and it worked. "Ugh, fine." You rolled your eyes. A grin was plastered on his face as he patted your head. "Then go have some fun then, and be back before midnight." He said, more or less putting emphasis on the last part, saying it towards James mostly. The boy nodded, understanding the task. After that he walked towards to stairs. "I'll be in my office, call me if you need anythin'." He stated before walking up the stairs and heading to his office. That was before he poked his head from around the corner with a teasing look on his face. "Love youuuu~!" He exclaimed in a sing-song voice. 

     "Love you too.." You mumbled as you turned to your bodyguard and looked him up and down. "So, you're responsible for me?" You asked, placing your hands on your hips and shifting your weight onto one leg. "Yes ma'am." He replied with a nod, holding the door open for you. "Don't call me that." You retorted as you walked out the door. Damn, the sass was intense. James politely closed the door after he had exited the building. "Well, where to?" He asked, trying to get on your good side. "You'll see." You said with a smile on your face as your tail flicked. This was going to be F U N.

Hi everyone! I apologize for not publishing more quickly, school has been kicking me in the gut recently and I am only now getting some free time to myself. It's getting close to testing/ aka the end of the school year, so I may or may not go silent again, but have no fear! I will always return better than ever!

Now that all of that's out of the way, I need YOUR guys' help on deciding what (Y/n) and James should go do! Go all out! Also, I have some more about James coming up in the next chapter, so don't worry about not getting to know him this chapter.

But until then, I'll see you lovelies later!

Rebelious Relations (Benicio Drew X Child Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें