Years Later

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(No one's Pov)

"Oof!" was all that came out when two big, muscular men tossed you inside the front door of your house. You were just caught after you tried to sneak out of the house, again. Though 'not' to your surprise, you were caught as you almost made it a couple of miles away from that hell hole house. You immediately took off upstairs and locked yourself in your room. Your adoptive mother thanked the two for bringing you back as your father stomped upstairs to deal with this.

"Goddamnit Monica Lee! (Don't worry, this is just a temporary name until you and Benicio are reunited). Get your ass out of that room this instant!!" Your adoptive father yelled as he banged on the locked door that you took shelter behind in your 'creatively' designed room. Wall to wall was filled with posters of your favorite band, along with some other questionable things that your adoptive parents didn't particularly like. Located on the full sized bed in the corner of the room, was a certain rebellious teenager known as 'Monica Lee Johnson'. She had just gotten home from a party that she had snuck out too, like some parents in this day and age, hers were quite strict when it came to a lot of things.

"Why should I?! You're just gonna try to rip me a new one with that damned Bible of yours!" you yelled back at him, turning up the radio you had playing in your room in an attempt to block him out. The banging on the 15 year olds' door increased in volume. The adult on the other side fumed with rage. "THAT'S IT!! I'M TAKING THIS DAMN DOOR DOWN!!!" his voice boomed, surprisingly louder than your radio.

Your eyes had widened with fear at the sound of that announcement, you turned the radio up to its' max volume, grabbed your backpack, then ran over to your window. Mind you, you're on the second story of the building. You opened it and stuck your head out of it, looking down and then to the sides. When you turned your gaze to the left, there was a ladder up against the wall from the painting company that was there that day to paint the house. "Oh thank god." you mumbled to yourself as you slinked your arms through the straps of your backpack and proceeded to hop up on the windowsill and balance yourself on the flower bed hanging from it. Thank goodness you were relatively light, being the 5'0'' teen you were, it seemed to prove helpful sometimes.

A loud 'BANG' came from behind you as your adoptive father kicked the door to your room down. And ohhh booy did you almost shit yourself at the sight of the adult steaming with pure rage. Almost as if your body moved on its' own, you quickly leaped over to the ladder and landed on it by mere chance. You gripped on to it with your life as it wobbled back and forth, you didn't have time to let it settle completely so you proceeded to slide down it at lightning speed. Once you reached the bottom, you booked it like a bat out of hell. The ladder fell as you hopped the fence.

By now it was getting late, you had managed to make it to the outskirts of the town. At this rate, you would have been caught already by that damned mafia. To your surprise, nothing has happened yet. "Maybe I actually escaped those bastards-" The literal second you said that, it was instant karma for you because that's when a car rolled up right beside you as you were making your way down the sidewalk. The window of the passenger seat was rolled down slowly to reveal your adoptive mother, your father in the driver seat, and your older brother in one of the back seats. "Get your ass in the car missy." Your father broke the silence with a demanding tone. You simply gave him a look as you continued walking. "And if I don't?" you spat with venom. He let out a low growl. "Then that's the longer you'll go without food." he threatened. "It's not like you'll catch me, you'll break a hip trying to do so old man." you quickened your pace along the sidewalk.

"C'mon sis, just get in the car-" your brother was cut off when you shot him a glare. "Do NOT call me that! I don't know if you've checked lately, but you all are humans, and I am a toon! Some kind of devil toon at that! I am pretty far from being human so it's clear as day to see that I'm adopted. So why do you continue to try to keep me around?!" you stopped in your tracks. "All I want to do is find my REAL family, why must you try and keep me from that?!? You MONSTERS!!" with that, you ran off, turning a sharp corner. They didn't follow you though. "You're not gonna follow her dad?" The boy asked the driver. "No.. We'll just make a phone call." He said as he drove away from the scene back to their home.

Rebelious Relations (Benicio Drew X Child Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora