5) The Bet

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I woke up to a heavy arm around my waist and a heavier weight on my eye lids. My head felt like someone was playing a really loud base inside. Hmmm, maybe that base wasn’t inside my head.

It was a tough effort to force my eyes open but I managed it. A red cup was right in front my nose; how stereotypical. I moved my arm to flick it away before I remembered the weight on my waist. Peering down I seen a slightly tanned arm with a scar from the wrist to mid arm.

I instantly knew it was Keegan, I was seven; we were playing in the garden making mud pies. I couldn’t get mine to make a perfect circle so I was getting mad. Keegan of course was throwing mud at me while Har was struggling as well. I almost had it when Keegan threw a chunk of mud at me but it missed and splashed into my circle of mud. I was so angry I picked up the trowel and swiped it in the air to scare him. But I didn’t realise how long it was so I ended up slicing his arm open. He’d laughed at first but Har and I had seen the blood long before he did. Let’s just say we spent a good few hours in A & E.

I tried to move my head around, I was restricted by his body but I didn’t want to wake him up.

By the looks of things we were still and Ryan’s or was it Rob’s? Whoever’s it was, was still having a party. We were lying on the couch with people grinding all around us, swaying to the beat. I knew I’d have to wake him up sometime so I gently sat up hoping for the best. Anyone who knew him knew Keegan was not a morning person. Wait, it wasn’t the morning yet.

I glanced at the clock, and then did a double take.

“Crap.” I was surprised how calm it sounded. “Keegan get up now!” I shouted over the music this time.

“Hmm, what?”

“What time did you tell your mum we would be back?” Placing my hands on my hips I glared down at him hoping to look more serious.  It was what my mum would do when she was mad. Oh god my mum was leaving today.

“By one, why?” Bella was going to hate me; she’d think I’m a bad influence on her boys and she’ll kick me out. I spun around in a circle numerous times looking for Har but he was nowhere to be seen. Obviously noticing I had no intention of responding Keegan looked at the clock for himself. “Crap.” He mumbled.

“That’s what I said.” He quickly jumped up and that’s when I saw what he was wearing. “Um, Keegan what happened to you clothes?” His navy blue boxers were the only item of cloth on his whole body. 

“I could ask you the same thing.” Keegan said trailing his eyes down my body. I snapped my head down and was greeted with the sight of my underwear. 

“No, what will your mum think?” There was no way I could go home like this. 

“Look we’ll find our clothes then Harry and get out of here. Don’t worry Carrie everything will be fine.” He actually sounded relatively calm. 

“So Keeg, how exactly do you plan on finding our clothes in this?” I asked gesturing to the mob of teenagers.

“That would be an excellent question. You look upstairs I’ll look down.” I nodded knowing we should never have drunk.

Finding the stairs I ran up them not wanting anyone to see me running around in my underwear; not that they’d remember tomorrow, or later today for that matter.

A U-shaped corridor faced me.

“Well I guess its trial and error.” I mumbled to no one in particular.

Opening the first door I saw an empty bedroom that looked like too many people had used that bed in one night. I had to fight off my shiver. How people could stoop so low I’d never know.

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