12) Kiss or Miss?

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After Keegan congratulated Har, which consisted on a pat on the back and a cold 'maybe you aren't gay' we went upstairs to bed. I quickly changed into some shorts and Har's t-shirt while he was in the bathroom then sat on the bed. I positioned my legs so they didn't look massive and shook my hair out. If Har was going to up his game by sending kisses then I would too.

I pulled the t-shirt up a little so some of my stomach was on show and also so he could tell I was actually wearing shorts. I wasn't that desperate to win. When he came out of the bathroom he did a double take then walked a little closer.

"Isn't it a little cold for that?" He nodded his head towards my clothes. Even in the dark I could see his face was bright red. I smiled and looked up at him.

"Of course not, I have you to keep me warm." I winked over dramatically so he could see it in the little light we had.

"Why that's very true Car." I faintly saw him smirk as he reached to the buttons on his trousers. Har slowly undid the buttons then rolled his trousers down and kicked them off his feet. "You'll keep me warm won't you Car?" I could hear the cockiness in his voice as I gulped then nodded. As I watched he pulled his shirt over his head. Every muscle above his waist flexed in a very attractive way.

"How about we watch a movie?" I asked. Peeling my eyes away from half-naked Har I walked over to his DVD collection.

"Sure, you pick a movie and I'll turn the TV on." Har replied. I didn't even look at the movies I just picked one randomly; I was way too occupied on trying to get my mind off Har's body. This was so wrong he's my best friend! I walked over to him and passed him the box; he glanced down at it and smiled. "Nightmare on Elm Street?" He snickered. What on earth had I done? I hated horrors.

Har put the disc in and sat on the floor in front of the bed with his back rested against it. In the past he used to sit next to me when a horror was on but he started jumping on me to scare me so now he sits on the floor, like a dog.

I clicked play and sat on the edge of the bed with my legs over his shoulders so my calves were against his bare chest. The skin-on-skin contact made me feel uncomfortable at first but then the heat from his body didn't bother me so much.

Luckily I had shaved my legs.

Every time something scary happened I clutched my legs at his body and he would rest his hands on my shins to calm me down.

Half way through the movie Har started running his hands up and down my legs. Up until mid-thigh. It was definitely distracting. He stopped his fingers on my thighs and started to draw gentle circles, at first it felt great then it started to tickle. I squirmed a little and giggled. He knew I was ticklish! He kept doing it lifting his hands higher where it tickled more. I was about to go into a fit.

I reached forward and tickled his stomach. I knew for a fact he was ticklish there. What I didn't think about was how my hands would be pressed against his slight six pack as it flexed when he laughed.

Har turned around so he was on his knees and his face was at my chest height.

"That wasn't nice Car." He smirked.

"You started it by rubbing my thigh!" I gasped, he blamed me for everything! He placed his hand on my thigh so his fingers were on the inside of my leg.

"You like it when I rub your thigh." I gulped again. How did he know that? It was my weak spot, well one weak spot of many. He rubbed the inside of my thigh as he looked into my eyes. He had a questioning look in his eyes, I knew he didn't know whether he was pushing a boundary or not. I for one didn't have the heart to stop him. I know I should have stopped him but it felt... good.

His fingers started travelling up and I gasped, the butterflies in my stomach were out of this world. Har smirked at me and leaned a little closer towards my face. For a second I thought he was about to kiss me. He paused as his fingers reached the bottom on my shorts, which had coincidently risen.

I took in a deep breath as Har leaned a tiny bit closer so his lips were an inch away from mine. Then he ultimately ruined the moment. He quickly placed his hands on my stomach and tickled for Britain.

I fell back in a fit of giggles onto the bed and he pinned himself above me so I couldn't get away from him. I was trapped and he was tickling the life out of me. I thrashed my arms and legs around but nothing would help.

I realised I was kicking like hell against Har's legs but I couldn't help it. He must have felt some form of pain because he pressed his hips against mine. I guess he didn't think about what part of his body would be pressed against my 'area'. We both gasped and he instantly stop tickling.

I felt some shifting inside his boxers through my shorts and I looked up at his face. He was so close and his cheeks were red. His green eyes looked like they were concentrating so hard on something.

I shifted my body a little without thinking and we both gasped again. I had just grinded against my best friend! If that tiny movement counted as grinding.

"Car." The shock of his voice made me move again and this time his face relaxed. I instantly felt more shifting inside his boxers. A small noise came out of my mouth that I guess could be considered as a moan. Why wasn't I pushing him off me?

"Har..." I wasn't sure what I was going to say but I felt like I had to say something.

But I didn't get to say anything. Har pressed his lips against mine and my body rose so my chest was pressed against his. It felt like such a natural movement.

Har pulled back like he had committed a crime and froze. His face went even redder than before and he leaned back away from me. But I didn't want him too. I lifted my hand onto the back of his neck and pulled his face back to mine. I saw his lips go into a smile before I closed my eyes.

I arched my back to get closer to him and Har pressed his whole body against mine. I moved my lips against his and he licked my bottom lip gently asking for entrance. I opened my mouth and our tongues started to move together.

I had kissed other boys before but it had been nothing like this.

Har rolled his hips against mine which caused my lower half to lift off the bed. I had no clue how he was doing this to me.

I had one of my hands on his back and the other still around his neck, holding onto his hair. Har had one of his hands on my thigh and the other on my waist where he had lifted the shirt up.

We were kissing way too passionately for best friends, well if best friends kissed that is.

After a few minutes Har broke away to take a breath and started kissing down my neck. I don't think it was called butterflies anymore, it was more eagles. These eagles were lower down than usual as well.

As he kissed down my neck I began to laugh. He stopped straight away and came to my face level then raised an eyebrow.

"I guess we're further on in the bet then?" I found it funny, but the second I mentioned the bet his face dropped. I tilted my head to the side and he gave me a sad smile.

"Yeah I guess we are." He kissed my lips gently then rolled off me. I missed his body the second he moved.



So it's short again but so much happens! Over load!!!!! I've been waiting to write this for so long and I'm going to be honest I felt kind of awkward writing some of this but oh well!

Georgia x

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