4) Party Like You Mean It

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When I woke up the sun was burning my eyelids but I knew if I opened them it would burn my eyes even more. I went to roll over when I felt something warm next to me. Instantly I jumped up shocked that someone was in mybed with me.

I began pounding onto their naked chest. Until I recognized a groan; oh god please tell me I hadn’t.

“Car, what the hell?” Lord have mercy on my little soul.

“I um… I forgot I was living here. So I got a little shock when I felt someone in the bed.” I smiled sheepishly in his direction even though I couldn’t look at his face for embarrassment. I had just assaulted my best friend.

Har erupted into laughter causing my cheeks to go to an ultimate shade of red. I couldn’t believe I had forgotten.

“I’ve slept in the same bed as you before and you didn’t try to kill me.” My embarrassment had hit new levels as his laughter grew. Even I didn’t find it that funny and I was one of those people that finds everything funny.

“You can shut up already.” I groaned going to stand up before laughing Har grabbed my wrist.

“I can imagine you waking up after a one night stand and the guy has to press charges a few hours later because you’ve beat him to death!” I could see the funny side until I realised what he said. I ripped my arm from his hold and spun around to face him.

“Ha-ha Har!” my voice was dripping with sarcasm so I tried not to find it funny that it sounded so strange. “You know I would never have a one night stand! I’d only ever sleep with someone if they meant everything to me and if I loved them with all my heart; with not a single doubt about him! So a sleazy one night stand does not meet my standards. I won’t drop to that level but if you want to please be my guest!” I spat at a now gob smacked Har.

To say I wasn’t a morning person would be slightly under reacting. But I’d never screamed at Har like that, not even at my worst of times. Something in me just snapped and I couldn’t help it; I felt bad but he should never have said that. Did he think of me as one of those little sluts who may as well walk around in a t-shirt saying ‘I welcome you to my womanhood all you have to do is say hi!’? I couldn’t believe he would even think I’d have a one night stand; he knew how I felt about those things.

Har was about to say something before I ran out of the room only to run into a wall of muscle. I not so gracefully landed on my, lack for a better word, back side. The grunt that escaped my lips wasn’t very attractive either.

“Whoa, sorry Carrie. Oh god, did I hurt you?” Keegan mumbled but I wasn’t listening. I pushed past him into the bathroom. It was when I looked in the mirror I realised I was crying.

That’s what having a fight with your best friend does to you; because we’re so close a few harsh words make my life crumble. I felt so bad now I had time to think about it.

I could faintly hear Keegan go into Har’s room and asking him what was wrong. Har’s reply was too quiet for me to hear but I could hear Keegan’s.

“Well she’s in the bathroom if you want to see her. Just a warning she was in tears when she came out.” I heard Har curse a few time before a faint knock was on the door.

“Car can I come in?” I didn’t respond I just willed myself to open the door. The next thing I knew I was staring Har in the face. “Car, I’m so so-” He stopped when I jumped into his arms. My arms were around my neck and my legs around his waist; luckily he caught me around my waist.

“No I’m sorry. I know you were just joking and I flipped out.”  I cried into the crook in his neck.

“It was still a bad thing for me to say so I’m sorry too.”  I felt his lips on my ear as he buried his face in my hair.

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