Chapter 19 Funeral

Start from the beginning

"I don't have a place Lizzy" John stated matter of factly.

"I know. I know take a breath. I'll come at Danny's" Lizzy offered like it was a piece of cake, not sex.

"But Danny has his girlfriend coming over" John was subconsciously stalling.

'No he is going at Novas" Lizzy laughed. Are you chickening out?" she joked "don't worry there ain't any performance pressure"

John chuckled unaware of the possibility.

Was he actually having anxiety at the possibility of sex?

Was all that stupid excuses?

Whatever that was he wasn't ready yet..

For any kind of intimacy... he concluded

"But.." John looked around for any further excuses "Kathie is coming over" he blurted without thinking.

"Kathie" It was his imagination or she had an edge in her voice John could not decipher "she is a virgin you do know that?' Lizzy stated abruptly.

John coughed or scoffed at her comment "what does that have to do with her visiting Dannys?" John asked innocently.

"Oh!" Lizzy was normal again "yeah it has nothing so some other time?" the question gave a hopeful slash wishful stirring to John down below and he quickly agreed "some other time sweetie"

"Sweetie" Lizzy repeated "hmmm.. not too alluring but I'll take it. Till then keep dreaming and night falling about me." She chuckled before disconnecting the phone.

John took a deep breath "so this is Lizzy's phone?' he asked.

Danny shrugged "Do you expect my old man to have a spare piece at home. He always exchanges his old phone with a new one to save money. Wait!" Danny said as if he got a new epiphany "he actually doesn't change his phone until and unless his phone could not perform the basic activity of sending and receiving calls."

John simply passed him a salute and Danny knew he was expressing his gratitude.

John was actually touched with the gesture.

If there were people like Cynthia who'd use you for their benefit then there were people like Danny and Lizzy who'd go lengths for their friends.

"I have to go study now" Danny patted on John's shoulders and John couldn't make out if the fact that Danny wanted to study was important or the sudden touch startled him.

When Danny noticed John eying him with funny eyes he admitted "can't rely on dad's shop for ever. I need to do something on my own hence" he shrugged. "I never thought I'd say that"

John laughed but said "but I am proud of you."

Danny smiled sheepishly but found the situation very mushy "makes me want to puke." He made a gaging face "I thought we were friends. But I guess your age has gotten into you."

"I am not that old" John shouted. But Danny climbed the stairs pointing a finger at him.

John however busied himself with his new possession when Danny made his face appear on the stair "thanks though"

"No Problem" John called and finally he too shouted back "thanks to you too"

Danny simply showed his thumbs up and waved his fat book that he was about to study and walked inside.

John was more than thankful for the phone which Danny had arranged for him.

But for now there was something more important that was nagging him on the back of his head.

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