Field Trip PT.5 #25

Start from the beginning

"It's okay Hyung. Yoongi curses all the time."

They both sit down at a table in the shop.

"Yoongi huh? He seems to be serious with you."

Jimin smiles and hums in response while taking a spoon full of ice cream in his mouth.

"What if he leaves you? What if he decides to break up with you?"

Jimin giggles.

"Silly Hyung. He wouldn't. He promised to stay with me. He always cares for me 24/7. I think that should be pretty clear."

"That's good. It's good to be confident in a relationship. Don't let anything get between you two."

"I know hyung. Now eat your ice cream. It's going to melt."

"Uh! Namjoon I just don't know! What should I do?"

"Well to be honest Yoongi, I don't know. But you should tell Jimin. He deserves to know what's fully going on. And how stressed out you are."

"What do you mean Namjoon?! He's a kid. He's only 19!"

Namjoon scoffs.

"If he's just a "kid" than why are you with him? Huh? He's literally three years younger?! Are you just fucking around with him? Cause if you are I'll beat your ass."

"No Joon no. That's not what I meant. I just don't know. But I guess he does deserve to know."

Jimin walks into the Build a Bear Workshop store.

"Come on Hyung!" Jimin goes up to a lady who worked there.

"Hi what can I help you with?" She asks.

Jimin smiles brightly showing off his eye smile and his adorable crooked tooth.

"I would like to get a pair of matching bears."

"Okay, would you like to see the couple bears?"

"Yes please!" Jimin browsed through bears until he found a pair that would suit him and Yoongi perfectly.

"These ones please!" Jimin points to a pair of bears.

One was bear was blond coloured with light blue marks on it while the other one was black with gray streaks.

"Alright sir. Now we need to stuff it. But before we do that, would you like to add a voice recording?"

Jimin's eyes sparkled when she asked that question.

"Oh my! Can I! Jin you can do this?" Jin smiles at Jimin's cuteness and nods.

Jimin nods at the lady. She leads Jimin over to where the sound buttons are.

"So, you may choose a song from here or have your own saying?"

"Definitely my own."

"Alright then. Here." The lady grabs one of the sound buttons and sets it to record.

She hands it over to Jimin, who gently grabs it and speaks.

"I love you, Hyungie. Don't forget that." Jimin spoke into the recorder.

The lady smiles and nods before grabbing the button. She replays it to make sure the playback works correctly.

"Okay sir, now it's time to give your bears a heart. And you can pour your love into them."

"Jin Hyung come on." Jimin signals for Jin to go to him.


"You need to be here so you can give love to my bears."

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