Engagement Ball

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"Come on Mikan you look great!"

"You're just saying that Hotaru."

"Why don't you let your fiancée see then, Natsume come in!"

Natsume stopped look at Mikan  and his mouth dropped, "You look beautiful," he managed to get out.

Mikan blushed, "Do you really think so?"

"Hai," he grabbed her arm and escorted her towards the Ball.

Everyone looked in awe at the young couple, "So Kawaii!"

Mikan looked through the crowd for their son, and Natsume pointed towards a handsome young boy dancing with a beautiful young girl, "It's seems our son has found love."

"That's because he has your charms."

"And because he has your looks."

"Hmm, he could break a lot of young hearts," Mikan said as she dancing with Natsume.

"Hai, but you have taught him well."

"Hai, but then again if I know him, he will take after his father and charm some young girl by catching her son and babysitting him."

Natsume smiled as her kissed her, sending everyone into Kawaii mode.

"Hey Ruka?"

"Yes, my love?"

"When do we get to have children? I wasn't at least five."

"Hmm why don't we leave early and start on that."

Hotaru hit him playfully as she kissed him.

"It's good to have Natsume back home n e?"

"Hai, thank you Hime."

"I didn't do any thing."

"Yes, you did. You let him be who he wanted to be...and that made him turn out into a great leader and a great husband and father."

"I didn't do it alone, Kaoru."

Kaoru smiled at her sister, "Are you going back to America?"

"Iie, I'm going to stay here. I wouldn't miss this for any thing."

"He is happy now."

"Hai, so is everyone else. Mikan will make a great Queen. She is so kind-hearted."

"Only, the best for my son. His father would be proud."

"Hai, he would."

"Mikan you have to let me help you with the wedding!" exclaimed Hotaru with stars in her eyes.

"Us to Mikan!" said the Hyuuga sisters.

"Mom, Dad can I be the ring bear?"

Natsume and Mikan looked at each other and smiled, "Do you think we can run?"

"Yeah, ready, set go!" they started to run.


"Little brother!"

"Mom! Dad!"

Kauro and Hime smiled, "Life doesn't seem to hard now."



"Mom! Dad! Hey wait up! For me and Yoro!"


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