The Proposal & The Fight

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Mikan  turned around and looked at him going down on his knee.

"Mikan, I know that we haven't been together for long, but I love you more than any one could ever know. I couldn't live a day with out you in my and Youichi both. Will you marry me?"

"OMG. Of course, Natsume!" She said jumping into his arms.

"Mikan, we will have to stay here. If you don't want to stay with me than..."

"Natsume, I want to stay with you...forever and ever."

"Yeah, we get to stay here! Isn't it great Aunty?"

Kaoru held Youichi in a tight embrace, "It's perfect."

"Well, sorry but it won't be perfect."

They all turned out to meet the two eyes of that dirt bag, Reo, "Youichi, is my son and I have some say where he is going to live."

"No, you don't! You have been gone all of his life and you're not going to be in it now!" yelled Mikan.

"You're not taking my son!"

"He is not yours! He is mine and my fiancée's!"

Natsume  held Mikan  closely to him, "I suggest you leave."

"What you're not going to beat me to the ground?"

"I'm not a child, unlike you. But, if you won't leave until I beat you to the ground than maybe I can stoop to your level for a little while."

"Finally! I will call this Reo Gets His Ass Kicked!" screamed Hotaru, happily as everyone sweat dropped.

Natsume and that jerk, creep, ass hole ect ect stood in their stances and finally began their fight for Mikan  and aYoichi.

"Come on Natsume, give him what he deserves!" yelled Hotaru  holding up her video camera happily.

(Weird....! Hotaru.... Sweat drop!)

"Let, the fight begin and no cheating or foul play."

"Easy for to agree, but not that whatever he calls him self. If I remember it was ass hole. What do you think Hotaru?"

"Hai! Go Natsume! I have been waiting for this day since I found out that this person *glares at Reo* left my poor Mikan  all alone! How could any one hurt my Kawaii Mikan? He deserves everything your going to teach him Natsume! Beat his ass!"

"Ok, maybe we should let Hotaru fight him," said Ruka holding her back, smiling.

Reo tried to do a cheap move and knock Natsume  down when he wasn't pay attention, but tsk tsk bad move for him! Natsume quickly knocked his legs out, knocking him to the ground.

Natsume bent down, "Maybe you should just forfeit, then again I want to really kick your ass, since you hurt my family. You will pay for hurting them, mark my words."

Natsume  picked him up and then kicked him to the ground hard! Then slammed him into a tree, "You really shouldn't have hurt my family. Bad mistake!"

"Wow, Natsume  has lost it! Even better, now Reo will get what he really deserves!"

Ruka Sweat Drop, "Hotaru  did you eat something today?"

"Yeah, some sweets."

"That explains everything."

"Go Natsume!"

Natsume was just about to slam Reo again, but Mikan  stopped him, "Mikan..."

"You need you stop now." (Why the hell would she want him to stop! Come on Mikan  let your readers have some enjoyment!)

Natsume  let go of Reo reluctantly, "Thanks, Mikan."

Mikan turned to Reo  and kicked him in the balls, "Don't ever same my name again! And leave my family alone! The only reason I stopped Natsume  was I wanted to kick your ass!"

Mikan  kicked him hard again, "I'm damaging what you don't have, so you won't be able to walk in along time you son of bi..."

"Go Mikan! Sugoi! Go Mikan! She looks so Kawaii when she is pissed! Don't you think, my love?"

Sweat drop, "Hai, Hotaru."

"Hey Mikan, don't kill him I want a piece of him too! I'm sure most of us do!"

Mikan  smiled at her friend and kicked Reo one more time, "Guards take him away! And make sure he doesn't come back ever. Good-bye! Don't ever bother my family again! Or else I won't stop Natsume  again!"

(hehe I wouldn't just be afraid of Natsume, I would be afraid of Mikan! And a sugar high Hotaru. )

The guards picked up that jerk whatever you wanna call him, and before they kicked him out Yoichi kicked him and Hotaru  got a piece of him, "If you come back, I will be sure to get to you first! And let me tell you I'm worse than Mikan and Natsume put together!"

"Come on Hotaru, let's try to burn out some of that sugar. How much did you eat?" said Ruka walking Hotaru inside.

Natsume held Youichi and Mikan to him tightly and the Hyuuga sisters all came out yelled Kawaii and grabbing the young family.

Kauro smiled at her family, old and new...


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