The Meeting

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Mikan woke up and looked around and she saw she was in her room.

"Man I have to get up or I am going to be late."

Mikan got dressed and went down stairs.

Mikan went into her son's room and got him dressed.

"Come on Youichi we have to go."

Mikan walked into the room and got Youichi's breakfast ready.

Youchi giggled and threw food at her.

"Youichi! Now I have to go and change you know that you and I have to go to school."

Mikan got dressed again and came back down.

"Come on Youichi you have to go to school ok?

"No school!" Screamed Youichi.

"Youichi stop screaming and come on I am going to be late."

Mikan grabbed Youichi and looked at the time she was going to be so late.


Mikan fell backwards.

"That hurt." Said Mikan getting up.

She looked up and saw a guy with crimson eyes around her age.

"I'm really sorry I was not looking where I was going."

"That is ok don't worry about it." Said the guy.

"Youichi come back here now!" yelled Mikan. "You know you have to go to school." Mikan chased after him.

Youichi was to fast for her but to her surprise the guy she bumped into had Youichi on his shoulders.

"Look mommy Nat gave me a piggy back ride."

"Thank you so much for catching him."

"It is no problem it was my fault that he got away from you. By the way my name is Natsume Hyuuga."

"Mine is Mikan Sakura, and this little one is my son Youichi who has to go to school."

"Mommy can Nat take me to school please."

"Well can you Hyuuga we really don't want to bother you."

"It is not a problem. Come on lets go."

Mikan and Natsume walked to the kindergarten school.

"We are so sorry that we are late Ms Hime." Said Mikan.

"That is ok Mikan now you are going to be late if you don't get yourself off to school."

"Natsume make sure you are home when school ends ok?"

"Ok Aunt, don't worry I well be back."

Mikan walked out of the school with Natsume.

"Ms. Hime is your Aunt?"

"Yeah I am visiting her for a while."

Mikan looked down at her watch, "I am sooooo late!"

Mikan started running got the school and she heard behind her.

"Sakura wait up!"

Mikan turned around, "What is it Hyuuga?"

"I need to go to your school as well."

"Ok you can run fast right?"

"Yeah why?"

♥The Teenage Mom♥Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora