Princess VS WifeTo Be

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"Queen Hime what are you doing here?" asked the guard threw the gate.

"No questions will be answered until you open this gate."

"I'm very sorry your highness but the Queen ordered me not to let you in."

"Do you what I can do to you and your job if you don't open this door right this moment?"

"Umm yes highness, umm I'm opening the door but the Queen will fire me and worse."

"I will talk to her." The Queen Hime and Mikan and Hotaru walked into the castle hearing to male voices yell.

"Get off of my will you! I'm really not liking this!" yelled Natsume.

"Natsume can't you just hold still."

"Because if this guard does not get off me right this insint I will kill him with my own bare hands."

"We have orders from the Queen to hold you both."

"I give you orders you fu..."

"Natsume!" yelled Mikan running to him.

"Let them both go." Said Queen Hime. The guards did as they were told and bowed, "Tell my sister that I have arrive."

"Yes, your highness."

Mikan hugged Natsume tightly, "I thought I would never see you again."

"Hey, you can't get rid of me that fast."

"Could you please get your hands off my future husband." Said a girl with a red dress coming up to them.

"Oh great Luna."

"You remembered me? Oh Natsume I knew you would come back."

"If she touches me I will..."

"Natsume be nice."

"Oh no if Luna is there then..."

"Ruka!" yelled a girl running towards him but Hotaru stood in front of him, "I'm sure you think you're his future wife."

"I don't think I know."

"Well you ㅐmight just want to check again." Said Hotaru holding up her hand showing engagement ring to her.

"This can't be he was mine first!"

"He is not yours or any bodies to own." Said Hotaru glaring at her.

Mikan was shocked by Hotaru's protection over Ruka and turned around to the girl Luna, "I bet you think your going to get Natsume from me but you won't he would not go and marry some trashy whore."

"Trashy whore? Well if you think you would ever have Natsume then you must be crazy! He would probably never go for some over sized bitch!"

"He is mine and you can't have him."

"He is not yours and never will be!"

"And how are you going to stop me huh?"

"By beating the living hell out of you." She said trying to hit her but Natsume got in front of her.

"Mikan calm down."

"Calm down after what she called me?!"

"Mikan, Youchi is coming."

"She is lucky."

"Daddy!" Youichi said jumping up into Natsume's arms with Yoru running behind him.

"How are you huh? Have a good trip?"

"Yeah, Aunt Hime took us on a plane and everything! And mommy said Yoru could come."

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