"I think there's no way in saving the Joker at this point. Dr. Leland herself is crying, she told us if that man were to come back she would send him to Gotham state prison. Harleen must have been a serious influence on the woman to see her breakdown like this." As Pamela and Selena watched it was as if the things Harley taught them simply didn't last because the one thing on their slate was revenge. Pamela herself even began to feel herself cry, she wanted to see more of Harley.

After that night early in the morning when Pamela had to go to work, the man began to taunt her. "Seems like the only person who saved your life died last night. I mean she obviously wasn't a good psychiatrist if she got herself killed so easily." The man chuckled.
"That must mean your not perfectly sane are ya. It was just a lie. You were probably the one that helped out last night." He shook his head. Pamela was squeezing the mops handle in her hand roughly to the point her hands began to turn red but her skin slowly turned green and her eyes weren't a sweet green they had turned into the darkest emerald color they practically looked black. "See she's still the same freak as last time." He pointed not expecting the girl to immerse kill him with the cactus that sat on his desk. It sprouted up high and with the flick of Ivy's hand it went straight through his chest leaving a smile on her face. "At least I don't have to heat him speak anymore." She looked around at everyone in shock and began to chuckle. "I quit!" She jumped out into the street but a flower had bloomed enlarging itself to protect Ivy's landing. "Thank you baby." She pet the the plant hopping off of it gentle not to hurt it's petals. Catwoman stood there in shock. "She's on her period, and finding out the love of her life died wasn't the best either." She hopped out the window right behind her.

Villains were arising back up after Harley's "death" "You know what my mother always said before I killed her. There's always a new beginning after death." He smiled. "But then again it didn't seem to work out for her after all." He shrugged guiding the girl up a staircase into the room where the acid he fell in was. It was were the joker rebirth was. She also noticed how he had never talked much of her mother. "Why'd you kill your mother?" She boldly asked. "She didn't ever listen to me. After I told her, her ex boyfriend tried to play with me." He rolled his eyes. Harley didn't think something like that would happen to him. "I fell in here when I was weak, and the second I fell in here I felt invincible. It was like a one hit at a drug that would never go away." He smiled. "Now it's your turn to go." His smile grew wider, he was planning to simply leave her for dead since he thought he had gotten lucky because he got rescued by the man he was fixated on and loved the most. Batman. He wanted for Batman to be close to death and for him to save him for once. "Wait, I cant swim." She warned. "Oh well. I guess you'll have to learn." He cackled pushing the girl in. He didn't need her, but for some reason the girl made him feel...guilty. Like she had to live for his sake and die at someone else's hands.

Harley felt her self plummeting down into the pit of acid, it looked sort of like pudding. The wind felt like it was trying to catch her but failed to at every layer. It scraped against her skin until she had finally fell into the acid before taking a deep breath. She could feel the acid eating away at her skin it sizzled through her, but it was calming, like if you take a hot bath and jump into it as quickly as possible not to feel the burn. She kept her eyes closed hoping it didn't seep into her eyes and make her go blind she tried to swim up not realizing she was swimming down, when she touched the bottom she turn back up. She heard the voice deep inside her once again. 'Your not truly yourself unless you let go of everything, you have nothing to loose.' But her arms felt weak until there was another feeling of motion in the acid, she was being pulled up. She took in a breath and opened her eyes. "Puddin?" She smiled. He looked like pudding. She looked at the man who held her in his arms and he kissed her, she felt the need to immediately kiss him back. She could taste the acid go into her mouth it was sweet and it gave her a strange drive to do the impossible, the acid flew through her bloodstream like a burst of unlimited adrenaline.

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