Memory 2 ♡ Fairy Godfather In The House

Start from the beginning

He pointed at me and I did the same in return, which immediately sent us into peals of laughter.

"Oh my God, we look like the Spiderman meme," he said as he crossed the distance between us and pulled me into a hug. "It's been forever since I last saw you."

I laughed, not just because his head ended up tucked under my chin, but also because that was a flagrant lie. "C'mon, we were together at the concert in Tampa last month."

We'd hung out at the VIP section of Casual Friday Funeral's backstage, watching our friends kick ass and bring the house down while Ayr and I got our liquor game on. I didn't think such escapades were going to be possible for me any longer, and at that thought something twisted in my chest.

Ayr's clear grey eyes twinkled as he pulled away. "Oh, that's true."

"Anyway, what are you doing here?" I asked him, knowing that he was going to film school in Tampa.

"I should ask you the same."

The way I clammed up had him narrowing his eyes. He glanced around and found Matt. After whispering something with the other boy, Ayrton motioned at me to follow him. He pulled out a set of keys from his pocket and unlocked a door that was just off the entrance to the kitchen. It was a small, windowless office with a metal desk and a ratty chair, lots of file cabinets and a mountain of papers.

"Sit," he said, rolling out the chair in my direction and leaning against the desk.

I jerked a thumb towards the door. "How do you have keys?"

"I'll get to your questions after you answer mine." Ayrton folded his arms. "Why is a rich girl like you filling in the application form to work at a place like this?"

I followed the line his eyes made to the paper sheet still in my hand. After letting out a breath, I figured I might as well get everything off my chest and I knew only a handful of people I would trust this with. Fortunately for me, Ayrton Winters belonged to that exclusive club. He released a string of curses as I gave him the play by play of that fateful brunch with my parents and by the end of the story angry tears were streaming down my face. I wiped them with the backs of my hands as best as I could, and Ayrton took a second to leave and come back with a wad of napkins.

"I feel you, honey." His eyes rolled. "I'm very familiar with shitty parents and I don't wish this situation on my worse enemies. I'm so fucking pissed you're going through something similar."

I offered a watery smile. "If this is a contest, your dad still gets the award of Florida's shittiest father."

He shrugged one shoulder. "Mom isn't much better."

That was true. Ayrton had the misfortune of being born from a conservative politician and his porcelain doll of a wife, both of whom threw him out of the house and the family's will upon finding out that Ayrton was gay. He'd high tailed it to Sarasota for a bit during our senior year in Trinity to live with his aunt, who was a far more loving and accepting person. At least he had a twin brother who loved him and protected him. I didn't have anybody in my corner like that.

"So that's why you need a job," he said after the pause. "You're hired."

I dabbed at my cheeks, chuckling. "Matt already said so."

"I knew he didn't have rocks for brains."

"But why is it that you sounds like you're in charge?" I asked him.

Ayrton spread his arms wide open and did one twirl. "That's because this is my new realm. I'm transferring to Rollins."

"What?" I jumped to my feet. "Since when? Why am I just finding out?"

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