Chapter III

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« How are you feeling, Nat? » Steve asks Natasha

« Much better, thanks Steve » Nat smiles.

As agreed, they had met after their respective showers and are now heading to the kitchen, dinner time having arrived. For the first time in her life, Natasha had taken her time to shower, seeking above all to relax her muscles and thoughts under the jet of hot water. But despite all her efforts, her anguish, although diminished, is still present, something that Steve feels perfectly well.

«  Still tense, aren't you? » He says with an understanding look.

Natasha sighs loudly. She's doing the best she can to hide it, but with Steve, it's impossible.

« Yes... Steve, I'm going to be honest, I just want to run to her. I have no fucking idea what's going on, but it's irresistible and, » she shakes her head like she's trying to pull herself together «  I... I don't know how long I can last. »

Steve gets closer and kisses her on the forehead while holding her in his arms. Natasha relaxes slightly on contact, sighs again in the hollow of his shoulder.

«  First, language, » he says. Natasha laughs, her face still buried in Steve's shoulder.  « Secondly, we're going to go talk to Fury about all this. He may be the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. but you and I know he will listen, especially since I think he will also want to understand what happens to his best agent » He murmurs softly. « Let's have dinner and go, okay? »

«  Okay... »

They go to the kitchen where the other avengers are already preparing food. A delicious smell of tomato sauce floats in the air, mixed with a sweet scent of sugar and raspberry.

« Please tell me Wanda cooked! » Nat says as she enters the room.

The Witch turns around, tomato on her nose, while she still mixes the contents of the pan.

«  What do you mean? You don't think we can cook Romanoff? » Tony says to her with a grin.

« Since the last time we had to literally redo the painting... No. Clearly not Stark. » Natasha answers him with a sarcastic look.

Tony pulls out his tongue but doesn't answer.

« Don't worry, Nat, I'm the one who cooked. I am done with having tomato all over the walls,  thanks » Wanda jokingly tells Natasha.

Natasha smiles as she sits next to Clint on the couch.

«  Please Wanda » Tony says, looking at her like a beaten dog, «  Don't get into it too »

Wanda laughs softly before focusing again on the pan. Natasha tilts her head back and closes her eyes, trying to get rid of the sense of urgency that compresses her chest.

«  It is ready! » Wanda suddenly announces to the cantonade.

Pouring her sauce into a huge bowl, she deposits a huge plate of pasta as well as salad and cutlery, all this simultaneously with her powers. Natasha must admit that she is still fascinated by the telekinetic abilities of the young woman, who never lets anything down.

« It'che Delichious Wanda! » Steve exclaims, a huge bite of pasta in his mouth.

« I agree with the Captain, it's really good! » Tony adds.

Although she must admit that Wanda's dish is indeed delicious, Natasha doesn't have the heart to eat. She has nibbled only two bites and plays with her fork, lost in her thoughts. Steve cannot help but look at her and gives Wanda, who has also felt that something is wrong, an inquisitive look.

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