Chapter II

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Dark. It is dark again. I can't hear anything anymore. My senses have kind of left my body. Am I dead? I think so. If hell is here, I'm disappointed. It's just dark, you don't have to make a big deal out of it. The only thing I remember is the walls of that empty, dark room in which I have often been thrown. I know there's something else, something else I don't get, but what? I can't say. An object? A person? I can't remember. My head is wrapped in cotton. My memory is as if it were compartmentalized. Like a long line from which fragments would have been removed. I know there's something else, I can feel it. Footsteps are approaching. Please don't, not again. I'd like to get up, but my body is more than ever in agony. All I have left is my head to talk, my imagination to run. Kill me, I want to tell them, but not a sound crosses the barrier of my vocal cords. I can't take it anymore. Let this stop. At least death may be sweeter than life. Kill me, so that my spirit can finally tear itself away from this too damaged body. Every wound is a living bite in my flesh. I have to remember, but what? I don't know. I don't know anymore. Everything is blurry. The steps are getting closer. It's weird, they usually sound different, they're more... discreet. As if the people to whom they belong should not be here. I hear noise against the door. It's like someone's tampering inside. Silently, almost in disagreement with the metal structure of the latter, it opens. Again, the light attacks my eyes. Impossible to open them. I lie there, too scared of pain if I try to move. The person enters the room and freezes suddenly. I can hear her in the silence she spreads.

« Steve! » She screams.

Her voice sounds like an electroshock to me. I think it's the first female voice I've heard in years. There were only men here before. It is melodious, bewitching. Is she here to kill me? Like a bandage before one last deadly dance? I hear other steps, heavier this time. A man, probably.

« What?? » He answers her as he comes running in.

I can hear them moving, as if they were communicating in silence. Then I feel them coming towards me. The first thing that strikes me is the woman's perfume. Envouting, just like her voice. It would almost feel like a balm to me. If it's the smell of death, I'll accept my sad fate. They both kneel on either side of me, but still say nothing. Maybe words are not necessary. Maybe they already know their purpose here. I twitch slightly when I feel two arms sliding under me. That's unexpected, to say the least. She gently lifts me up and I find myself snuggled up against her chest. The contrast between the cold of the room and her sudden body heat releases a shiver that runs along my body and makes me curl up a little more against her.

« Are you going to be okay, Nat? I can take her if you prefer. » the man asks her.

Nat? That must be her name. I like it. It sounds softly to my ears.

« No, thanks Steve, I got it covered. Open the way in case there are any agents left and let's go home. » she replies.

So his name is Steve.

« All right, let's go home. »

They start walking outwards, Nat still holding me. I expect us to be blocked, but nothing. Not a single known male voice disrupts the silence. Just her breathing and the sound of their footsteps. With my head against her, I can hear her heartbeat, it's reassuring, hypnotizing. Maybe in the end, I'm not going to die today. They both stop.

« Start the jet » Nat orders Steve.

He doesn't answer, but I guess he nodded because there's a sudden engine noise.

The relief of finally knowing I'm far from this place and the protection Nat's arms offer me succeed in doing what I haven't done for a very long time: I faint from exhaustion. However, before I find myself in the dark again, three sentences cross my mind.

Lost Memoriesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें