Chapter XXI

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« Rogers, we can't possibly wait- »

« Give her a break, Tony, she is a teenager, not a soldier. »

« A telekinesis teenager with red magic and voodoo spells. The more we lose time, the more- »

« Carol...? » the teenage witch whimpers, slowly opening her eyes.

« Hey, easy Wanda, » Steve approaches the girl and places a gentle hand on her shoulder, pushing her back into the mattress. « You have a nasty gash on your head. »

« I don't... I don't remember being hurt... » Wanda winces.

« Yeah, our bad, » Tony waves, « we were a little slow to come out of the building. It collapsed on us and a rock hit you. Take those, » he says while giving her two pills, « it should help with the headache. »

Wanda takes the pills silently and lets out a sigh.

« What happened down there? » Steve asks, « I told you NOT to go in. »

« They were here. Carol and Natasha, I just- I wanted to help that's all, » Wanda mumbles.

« They could have killed you, Wanda! » Steve paces angrily, « Do you realize that?! »

« Non, they would never! » Wanda fights back, « Carol- She- »

« She what? Hugged you? Told you she loves you? No. They attacked you! »

« They did not! Carol is not under their control! »

The room falls silent at her words. She squirms uncomfortably on the bed, biting her lip. This is not how she wanted it to come on but her head is pounding and she really wanted Steve to stop screaming and let her talk.

« No expedited conclusion, » Tony raises his hands in surprise, « How can you know? »

« They did not attack me. I attacked them. Well, not attack, I tried to enter their minds. I thought that because I was closer, it would be easier. I tried Natasha at first but her walls were impenetrable. Then I felt Carol and I can't describe it but there was this pull. Like my powers were being sucked out of me and in Carol's direction. That is when I realized that she had no walls at all, no defenses. So I entered her mind. »

« You what?? Wanda! You know how unstable a manipulated mind can be. It could destroy you! »

« I must agree with Captain here, » Tony pats Steve's back, « if anything happens to you while you're in someone else's mind, it could mean your end as well. Your body is only useful because your soul is in it. What happens if your soul is gone? A body can be easily fixed, not a mind. »

« I know and I agree but I had to act! This is the first time that I have been able to even go past their mental walls. Imagine I can't do it again, » Wanda argues, « besides, as I said, Carol was waiting for me. She was calm and... she did hug me. » the witch sighs with sad eyes.

« If she is not manipulated, why is she staying there? » Bruce wonders.

« Because of Natasha, » Wanda answers easily, « Nat as we know her is gone, she answers as Natalia again. They were tortured, for weeks! » Wanda sobs. The team gathers around her, a comforting presence. « They killed Carol again, temporarily. That was what made Nat turn. She wasn't the same after. Carol is just playing along to stay with her. She told me she had a plan to break her out of her mental state but she refused to tell me. »

« Did she tell you what is the next phase of their plan? » Maria asks.

« No, she didn't. I honestly suspect that she didn't know herself. They follow orders, they aren't part of the planning. »

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