Chapter XV

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The next days are spent relaxing and spending time with each other. A well-needed rest they both enjoy very much.

« I didn't think there was so much to do! » Carol exclaims as she and Nat are walking in Central Park.

That morning, Natasha had offered to take Carol on a tour of the city. Carol had gladly accepted, wanting to see a bit of the world after being held captive for so long. They went out and Natasha took her everywhere. The Statue of Liberty, Rockefeller Center, Grand Central Terminal... The redhead will never forget the spark in her lover's eyes when she saw the view at the top of the Empire State Building.

« It's only Manhattan, my love, » Natasha chuckles, « We could go to Harlem or even the Queens. »

« As much as I would love it, my feet are sore, » Carol groans, « I feel like we have been walking for ten years. »

« You still need to recover, » Natasha replies while pulling Carol towards a café, « let's take a break. »

Carol nods and follows Nat happily. They take a seat at a table where the blonde orders an iced coffee and Nat an espresso. There is no need for words, they hold hands as Carol lays her head on the redhead's shoulder. They drink slowly, enjoying each other's presence, needing nothing else in the world.

On their way back to the compound, they grab dinner for everyone. They ask Jarvis to gather the team and within the next five minutes, the Avengers are loudly chatting while slurping on their noodles.

« Nat, » Tony nudges the redhead gently, « I know you want to spend time with your girl but I think it would be good to do tests tomorrow. »

« You mean the tests on both of us at the same time? »

« Yes. Don't get me wrong, I would love to give you more time but... »

« Bad feeling? » Natasha finishes.

« Yeah, something like that. »

The spy nods. Truth to be told, she has also had a small pit in her stomach for the past few days. She doesn't know if doing the tests will ease that sensation, but she is glad she isn't the only one to feel it and it is worth a try.

« I'll talk to Carol about it. Let's do it in the morning? »

«  Sounds good to me. I'll have the simulation ready. »

« I trust you not to do anything stupid? »

« Come on, Red. Have a little faith in me? »

« Never, » Nat winks.

She looks to her left to find Carol deep in a conversation with Wanda, Sam, and Rhodey. She smiles and observes her girlfriend from afar, chest warm with proudness and love.

« Love is a good color on you, » Tony interrupts her thoughts, a smile plastered on his face.

« What? » she replies, surprised.

« Your love for her, » he nods at Carol, « it changed you. »

« In a better way, I suppose? »

« I wouldn't say better. You're just... different. It's good to see you smile. »

Natasha looks at him, a little taken aback. She has known Tony for a few years now and this is the closest thing to a compliment he has told her.

« I am sorry, » the billionaire apologizes when she doesn't reply, « I didn't mean to overstep. »

« No, you didn't not, I am just... surprised, » Natasha decides to be honest, « Did you just compliment me? »

« Oh, shut up, » the man groans, a playful smirk on his lips, « I can be nice sometimes. »

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