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Hi there, beloved readers. My boyfriend has informed me that this chapter is so painfully boring he could barely read it (thanks, boyfriend -_-) so I thought it was only fair to warn you. It is in a more formal style, as it's supposed to be the writing from the Book, but the details of the Story are pretty important and I promise it will be back to my normal writing after this chapter.

It came to pass in the summer of the year 874 that our four heroes found themselves called before the Council. The Councilmen sought the strongest and most courageous Beldarans, for there were stories of a mighty rumbling to the east, and so they had called a competition.

Adventurers came from across Beldara, young and old, and all brave. Among these was Gavin Heartstrike, already known and beloved for his great deeds, and bards already sang of how he'd slain a Wyrm at only seventeen summers of age. He was now a grown man, and favored by many to win. From the south, there were whispers of a female adventurer, but the Council had forbidden women's participation and the southerners' beloved Mirabelle made no appearance.

As the trials went on, the pool of competitors narrowed, until only a dozen remained. The council determined that the heroes should seek out a nearby Wyrm and slay it with nothing but a sword, but they did not release its location, testing their competitors intelligence and personability as well as their strength and valor.

A slim young boy, who had surprised many with his courage and determination, was the first to puzzle out the location of the Wyrm. He did this quite cunningly, by uncovering his long red braid, unbinding his breasts, and sliping into a local tavern--for the boy was in truth Mirabelle Flamelocks, disguised to compete. She easily won the hearts of the unsophisticated townspeople, and they described their simple woes to her without ever knowing they spoke to a competitor.

Quickly behind came Gavin Heartstrike, and his proud bearing set the hearts of many a peasant girl aflutter as he hurried toward his destination. His armour shone bright under the midday sun and his spear was sharp. He didn't know that another hero journeyed ahead of him, but he hurried forward to protect the townspeople nonetheless.

When our red-haired lady reached the cavern, she used her cunning to examine the exterior. The lady knew this was certainly the place, for the stench of wyrm-droppings reeked out strong, and she slipped over the rocky obstacles before her with an agility only her slender body could manage. Unfortunately, just then tragedy struck--unknowingly, the Council had sent our heroes to a Wyrm breeding-cave, and inside was not only a mother Wyrm, but its three hatchlings. The sticky web of the mother Wyrm entangled our lady Mirabelle's slender ankle, and it gave a sickening crack. When she fell to the floor, grievously inured, her helmet came off--and she knew she could not be rescued without giving away her identity.

Only minutes later, there came the crackling of footsteps at the cave entrance, and Mirabelle knew a competitor was upon her. She hid herself in a shadowy crevice, knowing that to give away her identity now would be to let down all of womankind. Gavin Heartstrike appeared before her, and though his profile was handsome and she in grievous pain, still she stayed silent.

Our hero Gavin strode into the cave, not noticing the remaining shreds of wyrm-web, and bravely he called out a challenge to the Wyrm, little knowing what awaited him.

The first to appear was a juvenile wyrm, still without its wings or its fiery breath, and Gavin Heartstrike bravely slew it with one sweep of his sword. But the beast's wretched death cry drew forth its mother and siblings, and our lady Mirabelle watched in concern as three more Wyrms came forth. Gavin fought bravely, bringing down another young wyrm even though he could not help but be aware he was out numbered. He advanced then on the mother wyrm, but her last remaining child darted to the side.

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