"Can you stay the night? I just don't want to be alone right now"

He smiles and plops himself down on a small couch at the foot of my bed.

"Goodnight moya malishka"

"Night Gerald"


I feel the rays of the sun on my fucking face again waking me up. "We need to invest into some curtains," I notice Gerald still passed out on the couch and a bruised under his eye. I sneak out of my bed and head to the kitchen for my first aid kit and an ice pack.

I crawl back onto the foot of the bed and gently rub an alcohol pad across his eyebrow. He flinches and grabs my wrist tightly. His eyes fling open and he immediately softens his grip when he realizes it's me.

"Fuck, that burned"

"Sorry. I didn't want you to get infected" I grab a bandaid and cover his wound.

"Are you our in-house nurse now?" He chuckles while grabbing the ice pack.

"If I'm going to be involved in this fucking mafia mess then better put my first aid skills to use!"

We both laugh and I watch as Gerald's facial expression changes.

"Malishka, I am so so fucking sorry. I should've been there to protect you"

"Shh Gerald please you warned me of the dangers and I ignored them. Plus look at your face, you protected me and Jillian"

"I should've fucking killed him, just stomp on his throat until his eyes-"

"Easy there Tigre [yes it's spelled right. It's Spanish thank you very much] Nadei would've killed you for taking his kill"

We both begin to laugh until we hear the apartment door bang open loud enough to cause everything to shake. It's like they always say, speak of the devil and he shall appear. I felt the rage vibrating throughout the entire apartment as he ran trying to find me. He's so blinded by anger he runs right past our bedroom door.

"Nadei" I whisper and he immediately backtracks. He pauses at the door, he looks like a fucking mess. His hair isn't combed back, his shirt is buttoned incorrectly, and I can tell he hasn't slept. His eyes lock on mine and I smile, he charges at me and I jump into his arms.

He breathes a sigh of relief and squeezes me tighter I nuzzle my head into the crook of his neck.

"Moya printsessa, my fucking baby, I am so fucking sorry. So fucking sorry I left you" he places kisses across my forehead and cheeks.


"I will never fucking leave you again! Did he hurt you? I will break every bone in his body for touching you. He will regret ever laying eyes on you!"


"What's wrong baby are you in pain?" He squeezes me tighter and I pat his back.

"I can't fucking breathe"

He smiles softly and loosens his grip, I stare into his eyes and I feel safe again. Everything he did the other day is washed away, I belong in his arms, it's my home and my haven. His thumb gently rubs my cheek, I smile up at him and softly kiss his lips.

"Moya Printsessa" he whispers between kisses

"Mi Rey"

He smiles and places a kiss on my forehead.

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