Chapter 26: It's My Birthday And I'll Cry If I Want To

Start from the beginning

I enter the kitchen to find my dad making food.

Melissa: dad, in the kitchen making food? Something not right here....
Dad: relax it's just pasta, your mother gave me the recipe
Melissa: you follow the exactas recipe right?
Dad: yes... I realize what I was doing wrong. Wanna try?
Melissa: no thanks
Dad: come on honey, it's really good
Melissa: dad, I'm not in the mood

Dad shoved the food in my mouth and I was really surprised to how good it taste.

Melissa: wow daddy, that's actually taste amazing!
Dad: see... your old man is an amazing cook
Melissa: I wouldn't go with amazing just yet, but it's still good
Dad: you okay kiddo, you seem a bit down?
Melissa: *sighs* I'm over it, it's not like today is a "special day" or something
Dad: *thinks* am I forgetting something?
Melissa: uh... no dad. I'm gonna head upstairs and do my homework.
Dad: alright sweetheart, see ya at dinner
Melissa: yeah... maybe...

I mumble going up the stairs with tears in my eyes. I can't believe my father, the one who knew me since birth, forgot the most important thing in my life. I can understand my brothers forgetting my own birthday. But my own parents, that's been their for me since birth?! That's just shows who the least favorite child in the house really is...


With the parents downstairs.
Mom: Paul, is dinner ready yet?
Dad: yep, I was just about to call you in. What do you think?
Mom: *have a taste* that's actually not bad. A bit too much salt, but better.
Dad: thanks, I hope the kids love it. Kids! Dinner is ready!

Paul yelled for his children, Frankie headed half way downstairs and said.

Frankie: uh... dad. Don't freak, but Mel is not here
Dad: what do you mean she's not here? She knows she has to ask before going anywhere
Frankie: she's not in her room, I thought she headed downstairs already, but I guess she's not here.
Dad: where can she be?
Frankie: she did seem upset this morning, when she noticed you guys weren't home
Mom: we left her a note told her that we couldn't make it
Dad: no, that can't be the reason. I feel like, I'm missing something very important today, but I can't put my finger on it
Frankie: I think I can help with that, she left her phone, and I went through her phone and noticed a bunch of texts and dms wishing her a "happy birthday" dad, I think we forget Mel's birthday
Dad: no, that's in possible. I would know when my own daughter birthday is. I was their when her mother was giving birth to her. I remember, it was October 17, 2005.
Frankie: which is today dad
Dad: no it's not Frankie
Frankie: yes it is dad
Mom: *checks her planner* it is Kevin *shows calendar*
Dad: damn it *slams fist on table* how could I forget, the most important thing, of my girl life! She will not forgive me. I screwed up big time. How can I make things right
Frankie: well... it's not the end of the day yet, you still got time to surprise her.
Dad: I know where she can be, I'm gonna give a call to someone. I want you guys to come with me, so we can get some gifts for her and meet me their
Mom: okay

The family put the plan together for Melissa.

Melissa's POV
I thank the waiter for my smoothie, and took out a candle and lit it up with the lighter I had in my pocket. DONT ASK!

Melissa *whispers* happy birthday to me... *blows out candle*

Just then the lights dim a little, and I looked confused and said to Carlos who was behind the register.

Melissa: Carlos, what's up with the lights

He just smiled at me and gave me a wink and headed to the back, and I look confused, just then my whole family came out. I was surprised. Not just my parents were here, but Nick, Joe and Kevin and their wives/girlfriend came out to.

They all sang Happy Birthday to me and put Alena and Valentina next to me and Valentina on my lap and they helped me made a wish and blew out my candles candle.

Melissa: wait, wait, wait. HOW?! I thought you guys forgot
Dad: us... forget about your birthday?!
Frankie: yeah we totally forgot
Boys: totally
Melissa: *gives dad look*
Dad: *sighs* I'm sorry sweetheart. I forgot the most important day of your life
Kevin: we all did, except the girls. So when they told us. We took the next flight to come here
Melissa: you guys did this for me?
Joe: yeah... hoping you will forgive us for forgetting...
Melissa: *sighs* I waited all day for one of you guys to say something to me. I was a bit disappointed when I didn't get my birthday breakfast or even a happy birthday messages. But then you guys made it up by coming all the way down here, just to come down and forgive me?
Nick: yeah... I mean the day isn't over yet?
Melissa: *smiles* I guess not...
Alena: Happy Birthday Aunty Mel!
Melissa: thank you baby *kiss her cheek*
All of them: Happy Birthday Mel!
Melissa: *soften up a bit* thanks guys, and you're all forgiven
Sophie: wanna see what we got you?
Melissa: yes!!! I've been dying to open presents all day

My family laugh at that and rest of them found a seat to sit as they watched me opened everyone presents, and I love them all. We ate cake had smoothie at Grace's Place. I was glad the whole family came through for my birthday, I think this is one of the best birthday I had yet! Even if my birthday was almost over.

My family and I already made it home for the night, dad and I were the only two up and we were sitting down on the couch, watching home movies of me when I was a kid.

Dad: Happy Birthday again kiddo
Melissa: thanks dad, you know you didn't have to throw me a dinner party to make it up to me. An apology would have been okay
Dad: I know, but you needed one last birthday, before you become a women
Melissa: dad... don't get emotional right now
Dad: I'm not, I just have something in my eye *wipes face*
Melissa: *roll eyes* sure dad *looks at clock* it's midnight, which means it's the end of my birthday
Dad: you're officially 14... my baby...
Melissa: *annoyed* dad...
Dad: I know, I promise I won't get emotional
Melissa: hey look it's mom, she's so beautiful
Dad: yes, she looks a lot like you doesn't she
Melissa: I can kind of see it. I miss her so much. I wish she was here
Dad: I know pumpkin, she would be so proud of the women you have become
Melissa: I know, she would be even more proud of you, for taking care of me
Dad: of course, you're my daughter, blood or not, and I love you no matter what
Melissa: thanks daddy! *hugs him*
Dad: you're welcome pumpkin *kiss top of forehead* happy birthday baby

The two of us snuggle like this watching home movies, until it was time to go to bed.

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