Calm Before The Storm

Start from the beginning

"I promise I'll ask for your help if I need it," I say to appease her.

Her face softens, but she still looks worried. "Okay." Then she gives me a polite smile and hurries away, and I hear her bedroom door click shut. I'm not sure why she felt the need to help then leave me, but she obviously has something on her mind. I'm not going to force her to talk about it when it isn't necessary. Hopefully she'll come to trust me in her own time and will want to share what she's feeling, no matter how silly.

Running a hand through my hair, I contemplate going over to Jisoo and Sandara's to ask where they usually buy things they need. As of now plates are needed, and, as Sandara told me before, tampons. I could use a few choice groceries, too. Lisa might want something herself but I'll ask her when she's feeling better.

As I check the fridge for items missing, a knock at the front door catches my attention. Before I can even close the refrigerator door Lisa is out of her room and at the door, thankfully with pants on now. Her speed is startling and I gasp softly, but regain my composure. She's staring at me with her hand on the doorknob, her face questioning, waiting for me to say if it's okay to open the door. I nod when the knocking starts up again and Lisa carefully opens the door.

"Hello," a sweet voice greets.

Lisa stares out into the hall for a moment, then says, "Hello."

Then Jisoo's familiar voice grumbles, "Are you going to let us in or not?"

Lisa looks to me, and when I motion for her to let them in, she moves out of the way and allows Jisoo and Rosé inside. I've only seen Rosé from pictures, but she's just as pretty in real life. By the tray of cookies in her hands, though, she's much nicer than I thought. Then again, I never really thought that Jisoo would date someone who had a tendency to be mean. A person had to be extremely calm, patient, and understanding to tame her.

"Jisoo," I greet her as she comes towards me, steering Rosé away from Lisa. "What do you need? And Sandara?"

But it's Rosé who responds, "Sorry if we're interrupting your morning. But Jisoo told me about you and I figured I'd come introduce myself. I'm Rosé." She places the tray of cookies on the kitchen island then holds out her hand for me.

"I know of you," I tell her, shaking her hand. "You're... quite the asset. I'm Jennie. And this is Lisa," I add, motioning towards the door where Lisa has decided to stay. Jisoo is between us all, studying Lisa's new haircut.

Rosé turns to wave at Lisa, who waves back, then she refocuses on me. "I baked you some cookies as a neighborly hello. Oh, and Sandara is with Taeyang, so you don't need to worry."

I bob my head, accepting that. Sandara has a right to her own life, and she has a little more freedom thanks to Rosé. But maybe she should have told me that she was leaving.

"Yeah, well," Jisoo says quickly, fidgeting to get out of here. "That's all." This meeting obviously wasn't her idea, and my respect for Rosé grows that much more. No one can get Jisoo to do anything.

Unmoving, Rosé smiles at me. "If you ever need anything, don't be afraid to come over. It's nice to finally have someone around here who knows the deal."

"The deal?" I ask, raising an eyebrow at Jisoo, who huffs and musses her hair with a desperate hand.

"Yeah, you know," Rosé says. "The job and all that comes with it."

"What comes with it?"

Here, Rosé hesitates. She glances at Jisoo, then Lisa, then back to me. "Uh, I think I should stop talking," she mumbles.

I shrug and take one of the cookies she brought. Chocolate chip. "Please, don't let me stop you." I'm not trying to put Rosé on the spot but I'd like to know what she knows. It's fine that she knows about Jisoo and her abilities, it's fine, even, that she knows about Lisa, but there are things she shouldn't know.

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