TiP 5

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nEvEr LoOk At ThE kEy SiGnAtUrE! iT rEaLlY dOeSn'T mAtTeR aNyWaY aNd ThE sOnG sOuNdS eXaAaAaAaCtLy ThE sAmE wItHoUt It. AlWaYs JuSt PlAy E fLaTs AnD b FlAtS bEcAuSe SiNcE tHaT's AlL wE pLaY iN tHe FiRsT wEeK oF sIxTh GrAdE, sO tHaT's AlL yOu'Ll EvEr PlAy!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2019 ⏰

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