Play Like a Pro

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"Well, if anything, you'll get to show off your fabulous MINI GOLFING skills." You mumble.

"You'll be surprised. I really am good at golf."

You look at Thomas, "Aren't men supposed to let women win?"

Thomas shakes his head grinning, "I don't do that. You have to win fair and square. Besides, we only let women THINK they've won."

You raise your eyebrows, "Is that a challenge I hear?"

Thomas looks at you playfully, "Maybe."

You turn back around, studying the road in front of you, "Oh, it is on, brother."

You raise your eyebrows confidently, "It is on."

- - - -

The last four putts and you and Thomas are neck and neck. You didn't realize Thomas was this competitive. It's cute. And funny.

Everytime he goes to putt he gets this look of deep concentration and determination. He IS going to get the ball in the hole.

And when he doesn't he clicks his tounge and groans. Giving out a little frustration. But he bounces right back, like it's a fresh start, and he's ready to take on the next challenge. You admire him for that.

"Yes!" Thomas says pumping his fist. This doesn't mean he doesn't rub it in your face when ever he DOES get it. He whips around to look at you, "Beat that, girlfriend!"

You scoff and stick your tounge out as you grab a ball and step up to the plate. You set the ball on the designated area and take a deep breath. Slow breathing and calmness. That is the key. Slow movement until you strike. You give a couple test swings before you bend your knees slightly, getting in position. Breathe in. Breathe out. Swing. You ball fly's forward and of course - narrowly misses the hole.

You click your tounge and feel Thomas' smug grin on your back. You walk forward to your ball, facing Thomas, who still stares at you.

You scowl up at him, "Wipe that smug look off your face."

Thomas walks forward and wraps his arms around you, embracing you in a hug, laughing, "You'll have to kiss it off."

You scrunch up your nose, "Not going to happen."

"We'll see about that." He says quickly bending over and sneaking a quick kiss. He jumps back in just enough time. You try to hit him in the stomache gentelly, "Hey! Cut that out. I don't kiss winners!"

Thomas clicks his tounge, "Guess I'd better lose then."

"I guess." You nod.

You take another swing at the ball and it lands in the hole, "HA!" You exclaim proudly.

The game goes on for another few minutes.

You loose.

Thomas grins as he looks at the score sheet, "Now what does a winner get for a prize in this game?"

You grumble, "Confetti thrown in your face."

He smirks, "I was thinking something else." He steps forward placing his hands on your hips, pulling you closer.

"Yeah, I bet you were." Your scowl starts to dissapear as he leans in. You don't fight him this time. He won. You guess he gets to have a prize. You figure it might as well be one you can both enjoy.

He touches your lips softly with his, holding your lips hostage to his will. He lingers there for a few moments only.

He pulls back and whispers, "Just for future reference, if you ever feel like grabbing my face and kissing me, i wouldn't be against it."

You chuckle, "Duelly noted."

You feel him start to go in for another kiss but then you hear a loud sound.


Your eyes snap open and you find Thomas in front of you, the same look of perplexity on his face. And then it starts pouring. Your eyes get wide as you and Thomas look at each other with delayed reactions. Thomas half laughs half hollars as you grin and squeal, he grabs your hand and the two of you run as fast as possible for the building.

So it's back to normal.

Rain is your over all favorite, from now on and forever.

Tom is back.

And of course the rain follows.

Jumping on the Train (Thomas Sangster fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon