"My blood?" I exclaimed. "Christian Hills has my blood." I panicked.

"He can't do anything with your blood." Jack stood up as he tapped my shoulder several times. "Only Hazel and I can destroy your existence, Hawk."


"Just a sample of your blood under fire can melt your soul and drive your heart to darkness." Jack squeezed his teeth against each other as he tried his best not to let his brotherly love to get in the way. He repeated the prophecy but this time, he gave the full speech. "You shall never sleep with a normal woman between your sheets. Love is weakness but your existence is priceless. Humans shall never know your secret, they'll capture your heart, melt your pure soul and destroy your existence with your blood."

"Does Hazel know?"

"Of course not," Jack responded, confidently. "The letter was written in Finnish."

"Jack, there's google translate." I shook my head, side to side. "In case, you forgot."

"Hawk, trust me." He assured. "She doesn't know and she can't know about this. It's for your own good." Jack glanced at his silver watch. "It's late. We should head back home." He suggested.

"Yeah, we should." I agreed.

(What a lovely surprise! My two favorite people!)

A deep creepy voice interrupted our depart, unexpectedly. Jack was as shocked as I was. The devil's son was standing behind us, our flashlights discovered his old ugly face in the dark, his white beard was as damaged as his bald head.

Our worst nightmare.

Christian Hills.

"Hawk Wale and Jack Walter." The old creepy man faked a happy laugh. "What a lovely party! Gentlemen!" His accent described the melancholy of his origin, Lionland.

"What do you want?" I muttered, disgustingly. "What do you want from us?"

"Hawk Wale." My name tasted like fresh poison in his mouth. "Honestly, I just want your head. I want you to die in pain, choking on your blood and dying next to your dear brother, Jack Walter." His words were more like dangerous threats. His hate towards us overwhelmed his soul. "That's what I want."

"Go away!" Jack yelled, angrily. "We also want your head."

"Jack!" Christian smacked his lips. "I'm not even going to waste my breath with you. Soon or later, you're going to die." He made a few steps towards us as we tried to back away. "Nobody's going to remember you. Except your little man, right here." He pointed at me. "The truth is, you were always the lonely kid, the little murderer that killed his father. Your mother, Ana Hudson never loved you. I remember when she was pregnant, she wanted to do an abortion. She was so lonely and unhappy. She tried to kill herself several times. You were a mistake Dear Jack Walter."

His words destroyed Jack, completely.

"Don't listen to him, Jack." I tried to calm him down. "He's trying to get inside your head." It was already too late. Jack's eyes were already full of empty tears. "He's lying."

"Am I, Hawk?" Christian yelled, joyfully. "Am I?" He destroyed my personal space. "You and I both know that your mother also never loved you. She left you when you were only six years old. Your whole life was a lie. For fifteen years, you thought that your mother died in a car accident. Deep down. you wanted her love. You were begging to be loved by her. Weren't you?. Your father was the only one who loved you, Hawk Wale." He burst out laughing. "Too bad, he's not here to celebrate his memories with you. He was a great man, he did love your mother but to be real with you, I'm glad he's dead." He paused as he tried to collect his mind. "He was a good friend, once upon a time."

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