Part 2

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(Hange's POV)

The office was utterly and completely messy.

Papers were strewn with little organisation over the desk, floor and potted plant. The yellow parchment coupled with the few candles would probably would have counted as a fire risk but that didn't concern me. I was scribbling away at my latest and greatest innovation. If it worked and I know it would work, it could capture a Titan without a single fatality. Eeeeee, I can't wait to go back out there. I bet they are all waiting for me. I better get a move on though, I need to get this stuff ready before the expedition.

The expedition! The meeting! Damn it!

I guess I'll chalk that up to another missed meeting for science.

The office was quaint, with a small window and a collection of leather bound books. The living quarters behind me was practically unused with me sleeping most nights in my chair.

Like a master artist, I sculpted the design with exquisite detail. Carving and chiselling away cogs and screws. I heard a knock at the door moments later, but decided not to answer. Whatever this person had to say didn't matter as much as this. After several successive knocks an exasperated Moblit collapsed through the door. He begged "Squad leader... you need to be resting. You have been up for days on these plans."

With zeal and wide eyes I replied "I know, but I just got a brilliant idea. Instead of one spike, how about 1000! Haha." I held up my drawing to his face, he sighed releasing the pile of papers he must have brought to the meeting. He winged "Just make sure you get some sleep. I can't go to every meeting on your behalf. That Captain Levi scares me."

I immediately swivel my chair and stare directly at my assistant. "Really? I have heard lots of things about him, apparently he is a complete grump. He must have been hilarious."

Moblit began the seemingly impossible task of reordering papers when he remarked "Well you should have plenty of time to ask him. He will be working with us up until the expedition."

My smile melts into vexation. "I was never told about this!" I grunted.

Moblit turned in frustration, shaking his hands "You weren't at the meeting!"

I would have barked back but I couldn't disagree with his solid argument. With little more to add I returned to my work. This prototype had to be done before the expedition and I wasn't going to let anyone not even the 'Great Captain Levi" get in my way.

Moblit reached for the door handle before handing me a letter.

"Bye Moblit see you later!" I called as he left the office. He sighed with miserable stillness in his eyes. I wonder what got him so wound up.

I was about to throw the letter in the corner with the rest of my unread letters until I saw the sender.

My father.

What did that asshole have to say?

The letter spoke about distance and people not returning. It spoke about sickness and the ravage of time. Most the thing that stook out the most, was that I wouldn't see my mother again.

A geyser of emotion sprang up inside me as I reread the letter hoping to find that I misread it. Again and again. All I see are the words "I'm sorry." With a stream of tears in my eyes I scream. I flip the chair over and kick the papers on the ground. I fall to my knees and weep. The room is empty and still as an undisturbed pond. There is little consolation for anyone who has lost a parent. The loss of their unconditional support and love can never be replaced.

After my eyes dry I collect my blueprints and my pen.

I get back to work. 

I have to get this done.

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