Puking Your Guts Out

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Min Yoongi

It was a couple weeks after you had found out you were pregnant and you hadn't had a chance to make a doctor's appointment. You and Yoongi's schedules were extremely busy, so it just hadn't happened yet. That's what you were doing now. Yoongi and the guys were having an interview about an upcoming album and you were sitting with the other wives.

You had been feeling a little nauseous this morning, but you drank some ginger ale and had some crackers so you could come and support your husband. 

You were currently listening to the guys talking to the interviewer about their newest single when you started to feel your stomach roll. You could feel the color drain from your face and a cold chill goes down your spine. You press a hand to your stomach willing it to go away. You happen to glance up and make eye contact with Yoongi. He has a concerned look on his face, and eyebrow raised as if to ask "Are you okay?".

You give a small smile and a quick nod, but you didn't feel good inside. You have to try and hold it together long enough for the interview to be overwith, so you don't embarrass Yoongi and the other guys and ruin the interview.  You do a really good job of holding it in, until one particularly violent roll of your stomach launches you off the couch. 

You know you won't be able to make it to the bathroom in time so you sprin to the nearest trash can and empty your stomach. You barely hear Yoongi's voice saying something to the interviewer and the guys as you continue to violently retch. You startle a bit as a large rubs your back. "Easy, babe. It 's just me."

"I'm..." Vomit  "So..." Dry Heave "Sorry, Yoongi. I didn't mean to ruin the interview." You whimper out as your stomach finally begins to settle. You relax back into Yoongi's chest on the floor. He brushes the hair out of your face and kisses the side of your head. 

"Hush. It's not a problem at all. They guys understand and screw the interviewer if she doesn't. You're more important to me. You and our little one." He puts his hand on your flat belly and kisses the side of your head again. 

Jung Hoseok

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Jung Hoseok

You were a little more fortunate this go around with your morning sickness than your previous pregnancy. Which you were highly grateful for. This time around you only got sick one or twice in the morning and then it would be over. 

You were currently laying in bed, attempting to sleep, but your husband was making it very difficult. He was kissing down your neck, hands roaming all over. He has been insatiable lately, probably because of the fact that you were pregnant. He was celebrating by ravishing your body, but you weren't complaining.

He was currently running one of his hands over your stomach. He happened to push down on your belly and that set things in motion. Your stomach clenched and you pushed Hoseok off of you and immediately threw the covers off.


You just shake your head and make your way to the bathroom. You barely make it to the toilet in time to flip up the lid and vomit violently into the toilet bowl. Your stomach clenches with the effort and acid burns your throat as you continue to retch. You hear the light footsteps of your husband, but you can't pull your head out of the porcelin bowl long enough to acknowledge him. He sits down next to you and rubs your back gently. 

"Shh...I'm right here, Sunshine." He continues to murmur things until your stomach finally settles. You lean your back against the tub, taking slow deep breaths. "All better?" He asks. You nod your head and he helps you stand up and move over to the sink. You brush your teeth then turn to Hoseok, giving him a small smile.

"Sorry I ruined the mood, Hobi." He just shook his head at you an dkissed you on your forhead.

"You didn't ruin anything. Baby Jung just wanted to let us know they were there too."

Kim Namjoon

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Kim Namjoon

You and Namjoon were out to breakfast with the rest of the guys. You were still over the moon and in a fantastic mood since you found out you were pregnant. You hadn't had any negative symptoms yet. But that was about to change.

You, Namjoon and the guys were all laughing and telling stories about touring. You had just taken a bite of pancakes that had just come out when you caught the whiff of something foul. You sniffed your food, but that wasn't it. You shrugged it off and took a bite of pancake. You were still getting that whiff of that gross smell though. You looked to your right and saw that Namjoon had french toast, so you knew that couldn't be the offensive smell. 

You look to your left and find the culprit. Taehyung had bacon and eggs, and the smells of the bacon was sending your stomach through a rinse cycle. You could feel sweat start to trickle down the back of your neck, and you got a cold chill. You put down your fork and put your hand on Namjoon's thigh.

He looks over at you in confusion, but registers the green look to your face and he grows concerned. He leans over and asks, "What's wrong, Princess?"

"I feel like I'm about to throw up every meal I've ever had. Tae's eggs are killing me." Tae hears his name and he perks up with his cheek puffed full of food. He opens his mouth to speak, and you catch a glimpse and a whiff of egg. You know you won't make it to the bathroom in time, so you just grab your large purse and let loose. 

After a couple minutes of destroying your favorite purse, you lift your head to see all of the boys in a state of shock and sympathy. You grab a napkin and wipe your face. "Sorry, boys. I guess eggs are off limits for the next nine months." Namjoon laughs. Tae looks at your with an apoligy on his face. "Turn that frown upside down, Tae. You didn't know."

"Well, that's one way for baby to tell you their preferences." Namjoon chuckled out, squeezing your hand.

You turn to him and smirk. "It's a good excuse for you to take me shopping for new purse. Baby Kim destroyed it." 

He rolls his eyes, but smiles right back at you.

He rolls his eyes, but smiles right back at you

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Sorry, I've been so inactive lately. Here's a chapter for you all. 

My AppleTV isn't working right now so I'm stuck watching movies on my laptop.

Song Recommendation. Run Away by TXT (STREAM IT! ISSA BOP)


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