Deeper Diaper Dark: A Parody of part one

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The title is a joke from Discord.. which won't make sense to you guys yet. but its funny

"I am the main character hear me roar... meep... I am confused but still want to jump Dream's bones."

"I am the brother of the crush, I am confused and want to keep watching the Dream."


"Oh No's I remember, let's go jump Blue's bones!" Dream says.

"I'm kidnapping Dream," Ink holds up Dream with tape over his mouth in shape of an X.

"Oh no... le gasp!" The fanbase.

"Pew pew! N̶o̶!" The editor cries.


"Ink has kidnapped my brother, i must now find him and make him continue thinking I'm evil!" Nightmare says, nodding.

"Hi Evil," Dust replies.


"I am Horror! I have come across Buttontale... I will now eat them all."

Num Num num


"I want to chain smoke till the end of time," Stretch proclaims.

"There is a no smoking sign," Ink says.

"Oh Noooos!"


"We are invading my own AU yeah!"

"We are death and destruction," Night says.

"No copyrighting!"


"Oh nos! I woke up!" Dream cries.

"Invader!" Stretch cries.

"Whoosh I am Blues!"

"No! Die!" There goes Stretch.

"No! I'm godding this!" Ink cries.

"Too bad the parody is over," Dust laughs.

"Oh Nos!" Ink cries.

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