Chapter 12 Part 1: Monsters

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Due to the size of chapter 12 it will be posted in two parts. now i just need to finish past 2

Blue shivered, still cold despite the warm cocoon of blankets surrounding him. The dream, no, the memory, made him want to die.

He clutched the soft, handwoven blankets closer in his silent panic, a mixture of fear and disgust running through his mind.

Error's gentle hold on him, softly hugging him to his chest, was the only thing keeping him from a full blown panic attack.

Killer leaned against the wall of the mansion's living room, idly playing with a razor-sharp knife. A murderous red gleam shone in his eyelights, which had formed the shape of targets. Despite being emotionally impaired, he still felt immense rage towards the monsters who dared to do such a thing to someone he considered a friend.

Dust perched atop Nightmare's piano- normally the guardian of negativity would've told him to get off, but he was too distracted by his rage.

The ghostly form of Dust's Papyrus was enraged as well, and if he had been visible to the others, they would've easily been able to see his absolute dismay at the fact that someone could do such a thing. Dust, too, was disgusted by Ink and Stretch's utterly horrifying actions.

Cross sat on the piano bench, his eyelights both a steely white from shock, his righteous anger taking a backseat for a while as he pondered punishments for those who had dared to hurt his friend.

Nightmare was pacing in the center of the living room, a thunderous, rage-filled look on his face. His eyelights were both lit, extruding brilliant cyan tendrils of mist, and his tentacles writhed angrily.

Blue had already seen that his reflection showed his Blackout eyelights, the toxic yellow of the horrid magic Ink had used on him and his fiancé. He was so stressed, and had almost powered up far too many times.

He felt... disgusting, violated in more ways than just his mind.

Dirty and used.

His mind had been raped.

He and Dream had been engaged.

Memories were returning to him, now that the blocks had been broken.

Tears were still leaking down his face, tainted with toxic yellow magic.

Ink's memory magic had been the final straw, the last push necessary to force his already glitched codes into Outcode status.

"I knew Stretch was... just... GAHHH!" Nightmare shouted angrily, making motions with his tentacles as if he was indeed strangling Stretch.

"I just wish Stretch... was still the brother he was before the resets," Blue whispered sadly. He almost wished that Error hadn't given back Chara's soul to let him reset his timeline. At least that way, Stretch would not have been twisted into the monster he had become.

Immediately, he felt guilty, knowing that reset had also revived his friends in his AU.

"It's not your fault, Blue. I think the resets broke something in him. But now, with the reaction he had, with what he's done? We can't save him," Error said softly.

"We have to stop them," Cross said unhappily.

"First, we have to save Dream. Ink and Stretch are secondary," Nightmare snarled. Now that, Blue could agree with.


"Blue... I was about to marry Blue," he groaned weakly.

"Ink... why would Ink do this?" Dream whispered in disbelief, feeling even more sick than before... he really needed that Tylenol.

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