Chapter Two: I am

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So, here's hoping you guys aren't still hoping for a lighthearted fic here like walking. After all this will get quite dark for me at least.

It was strange, to suddenly realize you exist.

One moment you didn't, then another realize you were waling around living.

He had existed before right?

Oh! he was male.

Snow crunched under his feet, booted feet his brain told him.

Sporting a partially frozen over partially lake he drifted over, leaning over he saw his first ever glance of himself.

Slim and tall, not as tall as a Gaster Sans, what was a Gaster sans? A robe with a deep hood that reminded his of Reaper except his had misty shadows clinging to it, another Sans. All he could see of his face was large toxic yellow eyes, curious bones flicker with shadows pulled the hood down.

So he was a Skeleton monster, The face was a face of Sans that also flickered with shadows.

The sound of laughter caught his attention, started he pulled the hood up to hide his face and turned.

A bunch of monster children were running through the area, sighing he started walking away as he had no business here.


He paused.

"One HP freak!"

He grinned, as he felt anger from his soul.

People always hated what they didn't understand.

"Please stop," another child begged, a child Sans said trying to get away from the stronger monsters.

"Your so weak," the Papyrus of the world sneered, the Papyrus was younger then the Sans but already he was level 3.

He hated these timelines.

Turning he started walking to the group of abusive monsters, darkness swirling away from him. The world around him quickly becoming pure black.

"Children like you should be burning in hell," he whispered, the only light in this AU his glowing eyes, this worlds levels were disgusting.

The world dusted.


He walked between a place here but not there, beings like Geno or Error might be able to find this place between the void, anti-void and the save screens but he walked the paths easily.

He had killed all of them, but he gained nether love or experience.

He could feel the mass of levels blocked away, why he didn't know but could wait.

Yet.. if he was to exist he needed a name, oh.. the darkness he brought.

Blackout, yes he was Blackout Sans.

He pulled out the soul of the Frisk of that AU, he wouldn't allow it to reset.

Smiling, Blackout hid it away again.

Then fell.

Reality, and non reality rushed past him.

Darkness faded into light.

"I wonder... when I will wake again," Blackout whispered fading into nothing.


Blue fell out of bed with a yelp, sighing he got up and climbed back in since there were still several hours till he had to get up.

Unknown to him, his eyes had flecks of toxic yellow in them briefly.

Sleep claimed him.

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