Chapter 15 Cassie Is Here

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       I stayed upstairs with my friends and my brothers as we waited impatiently for Cassie (Cassie is the Character from The Bad Boy's Girl. Check that book out). We hear a knock and turn to see Cody coming in "Blur... I am so-" I cut Cody off by hugging him. "Thank you for standing up for me" I say I knew Cody was smiling and then I felt his arms wrap around me. "Your welcome Sis" he replies back and I smile at that.
"YAY!!! She's here!!!" Raph cried out as he ran out the room with the others. I dragged Cody along with us as we ran down the stairs, and out the front door. In front of us was that same BMW i8 she gave Matty for his birthday present. Matty got out of the passenger seat and Cassie got out of the driver seat. "WHY IN THE HELL DID I LET YOU DRIVE!" Matty yelled at Cassie "YOU COULD HAVE KILLED US!" "Oh shut it Matty. You know I am still the best mother fucking Street Race driver around" said Cassie closing her door.
       "MATTY! CASSIE!" we all shouted running over to them "Hey!" they said giving each of us hugs. "Cassie, Matty this is Cody our other brother" I say introducing Cody to Cassie. "It's wonderful to meet you ma'am" said Cody shaking Cassie's hand. "As of you Cody. I was wondering who the next taker of the Sternest Company was" said Cassie. "Cassie Davenport" I heard my grandfather's cold voice say "ah yes the ass himself" muttered Matty to Cassie.
"Mr. Sternest" Cassie says nodding to the old man "what brings you here" my grandfather asks. "Came to pick up Blur, Axel, and Raphael. We are going house hunting here" said Cassie faking a smile to him. "Are you thinking of moving here" my grandmother ask coming to my grandfather's side. "No. Your ignorance though does impress me. Explains why though my families company has always out done yours" Cassie says giving them a tight smile.
This clearly made my grandfather angry with Cassie "now see here. You pathetic excuse for human life" said my grandfather making Cassie smirk. "Your family is filled with a bunch of stupid poor people. Who are nothing but gold diggers" said my grandfather. "Maybe that's why we also out do you. We have a strong urge for money and power" said Cassie clearly enjoying insulting them. This made him even more angry with Cassie making this a whole lot of fun for me.
       "Cassie how are you" I hear my father's voice as he comes out the house. "Just fine. But I am here to pick them up" said Cassie nodding her head in our direction. Though Cassie gave up the life of danger for a life of safety for her husband and kids. She still could be fucking intimidating to anyone if they weren't careful.
       "Oh I see yo go shopping?" my step mother questioned "shopping for a house of my own" I say shocking them. "Blur we know what they said was hurtful. But I want you to stay here" said my father. "Hurtful?" I repeat angry bubbling inside of me "oh no" said Matty as my I clenched my fists. "Wrong choice of words" said Axel shaking his head knowing what is about to happen. "Nice knowing you" said Raphael as he steps behind Axel for protection.
       "Wh-" "HURTFUL!?" I shout very much angry now "Fucking Hurtful Is All You Got! I Have Had Those Things Said To Me For Years! Why In The Fucking Hell Would I Allow You To Say Those Things Too!" I shout getting very close to my father. I left only three inches between us as I began to shake with anger. I felt Cassie palace a hand on my shoulder telling me to chill out. I step back taking a deep breath in and letting it go.
       "You girls get in the car with me. Matty you go with the boys and follow" Cassie said as we all head to the cars ignoring my father's pleads. We get in the BMW i8 me in the passenger seat Grace and Tiana in the back. Of course Cassie in the driver seat smirking. "Watch this" said Cassie after Matty, Axel, and Raphael pass by us in my truck.
Cassie pushes down on the gas heading straight for my family, she then drifts right in front of them. Kicking up the dust right in their faces. She then zoomed down the driveway and onto the road. We all laughed at how funny that just was. "Now Blur. Let's go I've got the perfect place for you three" said Cassie with a smile on her face.
       Ever since Jacob died Cassie and Matty have done there best to help us out. Cassie even tried kidnapping me when she was drunk. It was kinda funny. But I ended up taking care of her drunk self. I remember her coming around when Jacob was alive. They were best friends and though Jacob would never admit it to Cassie. He did have a crush on her, and he would always tell me about her. It was very cute.
       Jacob would be so happy to see just how good Cassie turned out to be. All it took was meeting the right guy and becoming a mom. To get her to where she is today. But honestly I believe Matty and Jacob pointed her in the right direction for her to change. It's just Cassie's family gave her the push she needed to head in that direction.
       "Cassie" I say and she hums in responses to say that she is listening "Jacob would be proud" I say. I can see her start to tear up a bit, but she holds it back like a champ. Then replies "he be proud of you too B" making me smile and think of how I saw him not long ago. "Oh wait" I say picking my phone up and calling someone.


I hear Axel say sounds very confused. "I forgot to tell you something. Grandma said 'use a condom next time'" I tell him.

"Wait? Blur... Did you just say Grandma said 'use a condone next time'"

Axel asked me, I smirk. "Yeah saw Grandma and Jacob for the time I was out of it" I tell him as if this is normal.

"Sis, I think you need therapy"

Axel sounded like he was making fun of me so I smiled. "And you should have used a condom" I say back to him and he laughs.


He says clearly having fun with this now. "Alright see you soon" I say and hang up as we pass by then waving. Us girls laugh and I knew the guys were too.

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