Chapter 8 Raphel

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       Once home I shut my engine off and get out, and walk to the other side of the truck. I open the passenger door to my truck and Max jumps right out. Just then my phone starts ringing I look to see Raphael's name and a picture of me and him pop up. I smile and answer the FaceTime call.
       "Hey Raph" I say as he smiles at me, I notice he is outside. "Hey Blur. I want you to do something for me" he says I give him a questioning look. "And what would that be" I asked Raph, his smile grew bigger "look up" he said. I did and there he stood walking down the driveway waving his little hand. I grew a smile and despite my condition I ran to him. I hugged Raphael with all my might.
       I look to see my aunt taking pictures of us hugging, I smile and go to hug her too. "Ciao Zia" I say as I pull back from my aunt which in Italian. So what is said was "hi Aunty". "Hello to you too Blur. I see you still are speaking Italian" said my aunt with a smirk on her face. My mom also told me the other thing she remembered about my dad was that he spoke Italian. So I learned Italian at age six, and have been able to speak it fluently.
       "What are you two doing in town" I ask my aunt "we are here to see you" said Raphael. I smiled and messed up his hair making him swat my hand away. I laughed "for how long" I ask turning to my aunt "three days" my aunt said giving me a sad smile. I gave her the same exact smile back as I side hugged Raphael, and pet Max as well.
       "Do you work today" Raphael asked me smiling big at me "no I don't but I was gonna go meet Tiana and Grace though" I tell him. Raphael's smile grew bigger and he ran to my truck. I was a bit on edge though since Gabe and my mother were home. They have been trying to get Raphael back since they discovered they signed him away. But I have made sure it will never happen, and so has my aunt as well.
       "I'll see you two later" said my aunt walking away from us "Alright Zia" I say smirking at her. My aunt rolls her eyes  and heads to her car; I get in the truck with Max and Raphael. "Alright let's go you two" I say starting my truck then pulling away from this old place.

       We pull up to K's Dinner and Raphael jumps out with Max and they both go running in. K the owner of this place doesn't care that we bring animals in. As long as they stay under control. I walk in to see Raphael hugging Tiana then going to hug Grace. I walk up smiling at the four, and reason I said four. Was because of Max sitting next to the table prepared to catch food on the floor.
       "When did you get here" Tiana asked Raphael "this morning" he answered proudly. You could tell Raphael was glad to be home, and excited to see everyone that he left. "How long is he staying" Grace asked me "three days" I answer giving a sad smile out again.
       "Hey that's three days of this cute little guy" said Tiana hugging Raphael again, who laughed at Tiana. "True" I say smiling and sitting down in the booth next to Grace; while Tiana and Raphael were on the other side.
       "Alright want do you ya'll wa... RAPHAEL!" cries K out as she hugged Raphael from across the table. "Good to see you little man" said K as she stood back up straight. "You too K. I've missed you Milk Shakes and fries" said Raphael smiling devilishly. "Well then you can have that on the house. Chocolate right?"K asked Raphael. "You know it K" said Raphael "what about you three" said K pointing her pencil at us.

"Just give me a Sundae" said Tiana

"Cheese Burger with a side of fries, and a Dr. Pepper" said Grace

"Same as Raphael" I say smiling at K

K shook her head at us "ya'll two get something new every time. While Blur here only gets the same thing" said K making us laugh. "It's been me and Raphael's tradition for years you get this every time we come here. So no judging K" I say playfully to my boss. She nods her head then walks off saying she'd be back with out drinks and food.
       We then sat and waited for our food the girls and I taking turns to scare rude customers out. Also the drunk assholes, who need a good beating... maybe an aluminum baseball bat to the head too... mostly just the baseball bat part. When our food arrives, we still take turns and even let Raphael get in on some fun with us.
       Everything was going great until THEY walked in. "Hello Blur" I heard Adam's stupid voice from behind me. Wishing more than anything that I had that damn baseball to beat his ass with it. "Why hello dumbass" I say turning around giving him a fake smile. He then notices Raphael and my main instinct was the get Raphael and push him behind me. I have been like that since I witness Gabe hit his own flesh and blood which is Raphael. But also... "Axel!" cheered Raphael getting up and running away from us.
       I get up from the table and come face to face with him. He looks at me his brown hair was shaggy now, and his green eyes smiled just like his smile. He was taller now, and built as well. He had on a tight black shirt with a leather jacket, and loose blue jeans on. The jeans were ripped a bit, and his left ear had a lobe piercing. "Blur" he spoke his voice deeper now as well from puberty. He was back now; seeing him froze me in my place.
       "Come over here and give your older brother a hug" I stared blankly at him as anger began to rise in my blood. He was back, Axel my older brother was back.

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