Chapter 2 Place

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       The bell rung for first period and I lazily made my way to Homeroom with my bag slung over one shoulder. I was chewing on two pieces of gum as students made a path for me. I notice the three bad boys standing by some lockers. I saw their slightly shocked expressions as the students parted for me. I just smirked and kept heading to homeroom; feeling like I gave them a good example of what real power looks like.
       I enter Homeroom a minute before the bell rung. I took my seat in the back by the window where I always sat. I don't ever do anything in this class, and the teacher doesn't care. This class is pretty much a free class period. I plugged my earbuds into my phone, put them in my ears, and play my playlist on Spotify.
       I put my head down as my first song came on which is I Luv This Shit by August Alsina ft. Trinidad James (song at the top^). I lay my head down for a bit slightly hearing the bell rang over my music. Two minutes into class I feel someone slam something on my desk. I sit my head up glaring and coming eye to eye with blonde boy with sea blue eyes. I take my earbuds out and spit out at him "what the fuck you want". He glares at me even more now.
       "That's my seat" he spit out back at me, I knew the entire room was staring at us. I didn't care though, I wasn't backing down from him. "No it's not I have sat here since the beginning of the school year. It's my seat so go fuck yourself" I tell him. "It doesn't have your name on it" he said I smirked at the cocky bastard. "Actually it does asshat" I say pointing to the right hand corner where I carved my name at.
       "Blur?" he questioned "that's right now go on and find yourself a different fucking seat. Cause I ain't moving newbie" I say. "A-Adam you could sit right next to Blur if you want. Your still by the window" the teacher intervened. Because by the look in his eyes and mine it was about to get ugly. Blonde, or Adam pushes back on the desk moving it into me hitting my bruise on my stomach. I hold in the scream I wanted to let out as he sits down next to me.
       I put my earbuds back in breathing a bit heavier than someone should for two reasons.
       1.) He hit my bruises on my stomach
       2.) He pissed me off
Now POWER by Kanye West was playing, so I place my head back down till it was time to go. But I made a mental note Part 1 of my plan to put them in their places was completed. Part 2 was just gonna get better.

       "Piece of shit!" Gabe shouted as he threw me down the porch stairs. I land on the ground with a thud as I now have dirt of my clothes. "NO BLUR!" shouted Raphael coming out the door, but my mom holds him back. "She has to learn her place Raphael" said my mother to Raph "no she just needs to be beaten" laughed Gabe.
       Gabe then comes down the stairs picks me up by my hair then slams his fist into my face. When I go down on the ground again he kicks my stomach and when I roll over he kicks my back. The pain was unbearable, and all I could hear was Raph calling my name.

       I sat up quick and the entire class looks to me. "What the hell you all staring at" I say calmly as I narrow my eyes, they all go back to class immediately. I sigh "nightmare?" I hear Adam ask me, I look at him glaring. "Listen you are gonna learn right now to leave me the hell alone. And to watch who the fuck You challenge" I say. I stand up grab my stuff and walk out as the teacher tells me to sit back down. But she knew I wouldn't listen to her.
       I walk down the hall to a back door that lead outside I pull my cigarettes out from bag. I light one up and put it in my mouth taking a deep breath. I take the cigarette out my mouth, and open the door blowing the smoke outside. I then place it back in my mouth keeping my foot in place to keep the door from shutting. I finish the cigarette right as the bell rings for class to be over. I toss it out the door after putting it out on my shoe. I pick up my bag and head to the Gym for PE with the girls.
       I enter the Gym to see the girls in our spot from this morning. "How was Homeroom" Tiana asked as I sit down behind her and Grace. "A little bit more interesting from the usual days" I say "so we heard" said Grace smirking at me. I shrug my shoulders "you smoked didn't you" asked Tiana as I take my pack of gum out. "Yeah. I needed it" I say as put the gum in my mouth Tiana shakes her head.
"That'll kill you" muttered Tiana "So will an STD from sleeping around" I shout back. Tiana turned around glaring at me, I just stared blankly at her. "ALRIGHT EVERYONE GO GET CHANGED!" shouted the coach to all of us. "That was rude Blur" said Tiana still glaring at me "Tiana" said Grace warning Tiana to watch herself. "T" I say sighing "your right that was rude. But I have never said shit to you about stuff that could kill you. Also I am stressed the hell out" I tell her. Tiana sighs "I know I'm sorry B" said Tiana, we both smile then get dressed.
We finish dressing into our work out clothes, and walk out to see the athletic boys coming out of their dressing room. The PE girl's stood on one side while the athletic boys stood on the other. I saw Adam and his friends staring at me, I rolled my eyes at them. "Alright when I call your name step up" said coach to us all. "Ugh not this again" said Tiana in a whisper tone to Grace and me, we both smirked at her. Tiana hates working out while Grace and me don't mind it that much.
After couch said my name I blocked the rest of the names out. Until I heard "Woods" and here came Adam walking up casually while staring me dead in the eyes.
His two buddies were already up in the middle along with the rest of us. "Alright the rest of you got lucky" said coach as everyone then goes and sits down in the bleachers. Tiana waves at Grace and me as she sits down then gives us a thumbs up.
"Alright this is seven on seven game. Who ever wins just wins. Grey, Banks" said coach, Grace and I look to coach. "Go easy on the boys will you. You broke two of my boys ankles last week" said coach making us smirk. "That just means they suck ass" Grace told coach, coach sighed "watch the mouth Banks" said coach. "You do realize it is humanly impossible to watch your mouth right!" shouted Tiana from the stands at coach. I smirk holding back a laugh "JAMES GIVE ME TEN LAPS AROUND THE GYM!" coach shouted at Tiana.
Tiana smiled got up and you could hear some of the guys groan in annoyance. I look at Adam to see he is still staring at me, I throw the soccer ball at his head. He catches it "try and keep up" I say and walk away. "Look it talks" I heard Chelsea "that's so original Chelsea" I say sarcastically. "Don't lie to her, B!" shouted Tiana at me "she's right Blur. It probably hurts Chelsea to think" said Grace. We look to Chelsea to see her looking angry making us laugh at her.
"Careful Chelsea!" Tiana shouted "I think I see a wrinkle on her forehead" I say loudly for her to hear. Chelsea gasps and runs to the bathroom covering her forehead. Us three laugh at her and so does everyone else. "Alright that's enough you three" said coach "let's play" says coach.
Grace stood as Goalie as I stayed out on the field. I watched Adam and he watched me till I heard a foot come in contact with the ball. I looked at the ball as it flew in the air as it came closer to the ground I jumped up in the air. I hit the hall with my chest and it went to the ground. I get the ball after I land and dribble the ball to the goal. I maneuver my way around the boys until I come to Adam. I stare at him and smirk and he does so back.
He runs as me and I use my foot and kick the ball up a bit then more. Then I jump up in the air and do a back flip I hit the ball. One of the girls on my team gets the ball and kicks the ball into the goal. As I expected to land on the hard basketball court hurting my back. But I never felt it instead I felt arms catch me. I look to see Adam wide eyed and staring at me with worry. "Woods! Put her down and get the ball!" shouted Justin at Adam "your joking right" said one of Adam buddies. "She could have injured herself badly!" Adam sounding angry.
       "She would have been ok" said Tiana as she passed by us "Blur does that all the time and gets up all the time!" shouted Grace. Adam looked at me with a questioning look "doesn't it hurt" he asked me. "Sure it does. But it's like life one thing happens and you get back up" I say "also can you put me down" I say. Adam places me on my feet I pat his back then say "I'm gonna kick your ass bad if you play like that though".
       I then run off after the ball I slide down, and take the soccer ball from Justin. While also taking his feet out from underneath him. I felt the slight burn from what I just did I shake it off. I then have one of my team mates pass me the ball and score. Adam and his buddies looked shocked "like I said try and keep up" I tell him.
       The rest of class the boys tried scoring, but Grace was too fast for them. When Grace switches with one of the girls they got three points in. But once Grace was back they made non. The boys lost seven to three.
       When I walked out with the girls Justin and his Football buddies came up to me. "Surprised your still not hanging with the Druggies Grey. Everyone knows it's in your blood why don't you just give in" said Justin. "I've got a better idea. Why don't I cut your dick off and shove it down your fucking throat" I say shoving past them. "Hey look everybody Blur's walking away just like her father and brother did" said Justin. I stopped dead in my tracks.
       I swear as I turned around all I saw was red. I walked up to Justin dropping my bag as he and his buddies laughed. I grab Justin's shirt brining him down and punching in the face. I heard the satisfying crunch of his nose breaking underneath my fist. Justin stumbles back crying out "SHE BROKE MY NOSE!". "Watch What The Fuck You Say Justin!" I say then kick him in the balls causing him to crash to the ground. Blood from his nose getting on the basketball court.
       I see Adam staring at me as if studying me, I stare at him then back kicked Justin in the face. Adam smirked at me as his buddies stared shocked at me. I grab my bag and walk off with my girls passing by Adam "impressive" Adam said. "Shut up" I growl out and walk out of the Gym heading for my next class.

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