Chapter 17

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"Alright, let's go then" jungkook said kissing taehyung on the cheek. No, they weren't dating anymore, but anything to make his angel happy.

"O-okay" taehyung stuttered because jungkook kissed him, they haven't kissed in weeks.

He missed it.

slowly walking to the door he took a deep breath. he didn't want to face all of them.

once again, he's being a coward.

"I got you, go on" jungkook said looking taehyung in the eyes.

"Okay," taehyung mumbled.

slowly opening the door, tae heard the chatter stop. they went from silently laughing to just staring at him.

jimmy looked annoyed

jin looked disappointed.

however, hoseok was still smiling.

"my sunshine" taehyung  mumbled while giving a very small smile to hose.

"enough of your lovey-dovey shit with hoseok, now tell us why you were acting like a stuck up bitch." jimin rolled his eyes as he told taehyung to hurry up.

"oh well, uhm" taehyung stopped from his sentence.

he could trust them right?

yes. he can.

"go on Kim," jimin said staring taehyung in his eyes.

taehyung knew that stare. he was hurt. jimin only does that when he feels betrayed, alone, or simply just mad at a person. he hurt jimin without actually  wanting too. taehyung hasn't seen that stare since high school.

"w-when I was little, you know my parents had to take care of me, and by doing that they didn't have enough resources for all 3 of us. things were getting really bad, my grandma was getting...dreadfully sick. they had to do something about money. I was obviously too young to get a job so I was out of the picture. so, my a job." taehyung explained, his voice getting wobbly at the end. indicating he was lying about something.

they knew taehyung too well.

"What kind of job taehyung?" jin asked with a soothing voice, he could see taehyung sweating, playing with his hands and doodling on his skin

"his job wasn't..okay to the governments' eyes" taehyung still preyed to go over the truth by sugar-coating it.

"so you're saying..illegal?" yoongi asked, laying his hand on his chin.

"I don't want to answer" taehjuyng said picking his head up once  again. jimin was still staring with his strong eyes.

"so that leaves you to be a bitch? call me a 'whore' when you know how I feel about that word. you break up with jungkook, kiss Jackson, you call out my relationship with yoongi. Embarrassed all of us on your little instagram. I thought we were brothers taehyung. we've been thru hell and back together Kim. I-its not fair, you fucking bitch" jimin cried, slapping taehyung.


no one knew what to do, jimin was crying. in youngish shoulders, jungkook looked shocked, and jin just looked sad.

"jimin, what the fuck, it wasn't that serious"

hose said standing up to defend taehuyng.

hose didn't understand what was going on, but he knew, for some reason, taehyuhng had to do it.

"he deserved it." jimin spat, tears falling down his eyes while sitting back down.

"I did, jiminie im sorry, I swear I didn't mean to-"

"just tell us why you did it" jungkook made everyone look at him, out of everyone, he was the quietest

"he doesn't have to tell you guys anything, if he did it for a reason then he did. all go you are being insensitive bitches" hoseok exclaimed turning to jungkook

"yeah no. what he did was fucked up. im kinda on jimmies side. maybe that slap knocked some common sense into him" jungkook rolled his eyes at hoseok.

"okay but hitting taehyung wasn't right either, you're all acting like kids, right namjoon?" jin asked namjoon.

"uhm,  yes?" he said confuyssingly, he didn't. want to argue with all of his friends.

no he did

well he shouldn't Have done that

he doesn't have too

yes the does

no he does not

all of the commotion was. giving taehyung even worse anxiety. he had to stop it.

"GUYS!" taehyung screamed.

"I had to do all of that because,for some reason, Lisa knows. I don't know how, but she does. she threatened to file tax fraud against my grandfather  if I didn't..distance myself from all of you. I HAD to. that's at least 15 years, my  papa can't do that, he's 60. he can barely walk now.  Y-you know how much. my grandparents. mean to me. So im sorry, I really am,  jiminie, I didn't actually mean those things I said" taehyung cried. his face red from talking too fast.

for some felt almost calming. he finally got all of it off his chest.

he can breath now.


Maneee. How do y'all feel about JIMIN slapping tae?
Also can should I do another Q&A?

Read 'pole' it's one of my published stories!

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