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The common room was full. Sleepy first years wearing their blankets on their shoulders looking around in curiosity made me concerned. The last time the whole house was called to the common room was when Sirius Black broke into the Gryffindor common rooms. The Slytherins all had looks of worry or at least the ones that were old enough to remember what happened the last time. Pansy squeezed in next to me, her silk PJs hung tight on her body. She shrugged at the look I gave her. She could have at least put a robe on.

"What's going on?" She asked looking around the room.

"I'm not sure. I was just woken up like everyone else and told to get to the common room," I shrugged. I wish I knew more than I did. It was alarming to be woken up in the middle of the night especially in times like these.

"Do you think it's about...the Dark Lord?" Pansy hushed under her breath. I was hoping with everything in me that this had nothing to do with him.

"Are you okay?" Draco asked from behind me. A hand went to my shoulder protectively. Over the last few months that had become our thing. His hand always ended up on my shoulder lightly but tense.

"I'm fine. Trying to figure out what's going on like everyone else." I said turning over my shoulder to look at him as we spoke. I saw Pansy notice the pale hand on me. She didn't say anything. She hasn't said anything. I appreciated that from her. She was waiting for me to say something, but I wasn't ready. Not after my life being threatened by Draco's crazy aunt. I didn't need more people knowing about Draco and I.

Draco looked nervous. I could tell he was listening in on some of the conversations around us. He was still fully dressed which meant he had been working on the cabinet instead of sleeping. I frowned which didn't go unnoticed.

"Ivy?" He asked.

"You haven't gone to bed yet." I accused. Pansy perked up curiously. Now that she knew about Draco and Theo, she had been wanting to help. Theo had refused and told her she had enough to worry about with her wedding being planed right under her nose. I being a terrible friend agreed with Theo. I was selfish and I knew it. I just didn't want Pansy to get involved in fear that if something bad would happen and she got hurt it would be my fault. I didn't want to live with that crushing knowledge.

"Uh, yeah, I was doing homework," Draco fibbed. I had never met someone who was as bad a lair. For someone that has been keeping the mark on his arm a secret for so long, he truly could not lie to someone's face. Or well, lie knowing someone is listening.

Before I could answer, Professor Snape swept in his robes billowing behind him. The common room door slammed shut behind him. He looked angry which was not a good sign.

"Stop your gossiping," Snape drawled his eyes narrowing in on all of us. He was tense I could tell by his demeanor. Whatever happened was far from good.

The chatter died down quickly. The first years being the worst, unable to stop giggling. Snape shot a look at the two girls whispering in each other's ears. They stopped instantly a look of fear on their face.

"Another Gryffindor has been hurt by mysterious causes. Ronald Weasley was poisoned in Professor Slughorn's office tonight." Snape gave a look over of the common room before continuing.

"If these attacks keep happing and no one comes forward you will all be sent home before the term ends." His voice was serious and stone cold. A shiver ran down my spine. I turned to Draco, he had been fully dressed and clearly not in his bedroom tonight. Was it him? He had mentioned that his mother gave him poisoned mead and I joked about giving it to Slughorn. Draco's eyes wouldn't meet mine.

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