Chapter 9: Austin Race

Start from the beginning

When the last lap is left, suddenly, some new rookies are vigilant and ride at full speed, overtaking them and scoring.

"Unbelievable! Sunny Rose has won!" "This is an unexpected reversal!" Interesting commentary on whether Bob and Darrell were surprised. The embarrassing Cruz, Danny and Jackson lost this race to a rookie named Sunny Rose. Cruz asks Lightning.

Cruz: Mr.McQueen, who is that?

Lightning: That's... Sunny Rose. She's one of the rookies.

Then, when Sunny Rose returned, Cruz came to celebrate the race.

Cruz: Um... Are you a... Sunny Rose right? Congratulations on winning the race today.

Sunny: Thank you. I'm still a rookie, but it's a dream to win for the first time!

Cruz: Congratulations, Mighty.

Sunny: Hehe. Oh, would you like to come to our kingdom if you have time?

Cruz: Kingdom? Wait! So, are you a princess?!

Sunny: Yes! Go southeast from Texas and you'll see our kingdom, Starlight Kingdom! Our crew chief will let you know the details! Then I'll go first!

Cruz: Whoa... That guy was a princess... Ah! guys! I saw that rookie's name was Sunny Rose and she was a princess of the Starlight Kingdom!

Jackson: Starlight Kingdom...? I think heard that so much...? Ugh!

Suddenly, Jackson comes with a headache and some strange memories come to mind.

Danny: Hey bro! Are you okay?

Jackson: Uh... I'm fine... It just headache... Yeah.
(what was that...?)

Cruz: Okay...

In the meantime, the residents of Radiator Springs (except Sheriff, Red, and Lizzie) compliment the IGNTR team on the race and Jackson.

Mater: Hey Guys!

Cruz: Hey! Everyone! (Smile)

Mater: That was amazing!

Danny : It was a great game!

Ray: Jackson, its okay. you can win the next race!

Rise: Yeah Storm! You can do it!

Cruz: Hahaha! Thank you everyone! Oh! Well, you know that rookie. We recognized it. Well...

Everyone: Well...?

Cruz: She's a princess!

Everyone: What?!

Jackson: We were surprised too. 

Cruz: Anyway, the princess told us to come to her kingdom if we have time.

Flo: Woo! Kingdom? I want to go once!

Mater: I want to go too!

Cruz: Great! Then shall we go together?

Everyone: Yeah!!!

Cruz: Danny, you coming?

Danny: Of course!

Cruz: (Laughter) Jackson, are you coming too?

Jackson: Yeah, but... what should I say to my mother?

Danny: Don't mind that bro! You did a lot of simulator training anyway? So let's rest and go to the kingdom!

Cruz: He's right Storm. You have to rest.

Jackson: Um... Okay... how are you guys...?

Ray: Well... shall we go too?

Pit crew Team 1: Should we go?

Pit crew Team 3: Sounds fun!

Pir crew Team 2: Let's go together!

Pit crew Team 4: I agree!

Ray: They'll follow you then!

Jackson: Thank you guys.

Rise: Then let's bring Red, Sheriff together!

Cruz: Okay! Then let's all head to Starlight Kingdom!

Everyone: Yeah!!!

-??? -

???: Are they?

Boost: Yes... those are the people of the Radiator Springs village...

Wingo: What do you do now?

???: What if... we should follow too.

SnotRod: Are you doing it right?

DJ: No, it's frustrating! What she meant is, go slowly and ride through the gap to attack!

Boost: Shh~! Quiet!

???: Starlight Kingdom... This must be a headache...

Sunny Rose is my original character just like Rise! But what kind of identity do you think is the main character who hired those Tuner Cars?

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