Chapter 1: Florida 500

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- Florida 500 -

Reporter 1: "Cruz, look here!"

Reporter 2: "What time is the race today?"

Reporters tell Cruz a many of questions. Jackson sees reporters talking to Cruz. "Ugh..." Jackson is annoyed.
"I'm in disguise like that... I'm totally embarrassed..."

"Well, totally embarrassed, Storm?" someone talked to Jackson. When Jackson turned around, he saw a car with purple paint, green eyes, and stylish tires. "Mo, mother?!" Jackson said.

 "Mo, mother?!" Jackson said

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That's right. She is Reila Storm, The Jackson Storm's Mother. She IGNTR the company of her son, Jackson. She is the one who sponsored Jackson to her company.

Jackson: M, mother. why-

Reila: Why am I here? Isn't that natural? Of course, we have to watch my son race. Don't you my teddy bear?

Jackson: Mother... I'm 18 years old now. Now don't say that nickname anymore ... what if other racers listen?

At that moment, reporters rumble.
"Ms. Reila, are you okay with Storm's first loss?" Woman reporter asked.

"Yes, even if my son loses for the first time, he can never lose in the next game. So my son needs to practice harder." Reila answered.

"So, are you talking about practicing more simulators?" Another reporter asked a question.

"Of course, we're busy anyway. let's go Jackson." Reila went to the trailer with Jackson. And as soon as Jackson gets on the trailer and plays the music.

"Jackson! Turn off that loud music!" Reila shouted. "But mother-"
"NOW!" Jackson is embarrassed and soon turns off the music. Reila frowns to Jackson.

"Jackson, I'm so disappointed with you. I'm barely losing it to that yellow racer!" Reila angrily said.

"But mother-" "Quiet!" Reila shouted.

"You know our company has more cutting edge technology and management than any other company. You very love to race, I have no choice, so I had supported it to you. but... you screw it up!" Reila shouted again.

"(Sign) I'm sorry..." Jackson became dismal. Reila sighed. "Anyway, you must win the next race. You understand me?"

"Yes, mother..." Then Reila went somewhere. And someone approached Jackson Storm's trailer. It was 'Cruz'. Cruz is worried, when she sees Jackson.

"Jackson, are you okay?" Cruz said. Jackson is frowning and staring away.

"I don't care because you're off and go quickly." Jackson sucks. "No, no... I'm just going to the trailer after an interview. I heard your mother nagging you in anger." Cruz said.

"What?! You secretly overheard you talking to me and my mother?!" Jackson screams, breathes, and gets angry "No! I just heard by chance... because it's a serious situation, I stop knowing..." Cruz becomes sullen and sees the ground. Jackson embarrassed to see Cruz's sad face.

"Uh... Cruz...?" When Jackson says, Cruz sees Jackson. "Hey... I'm sorry... I shouted earlier... and... I'm sorry I pushed you to the wall in the race..." When Cruz hears Jackson said, and Cruz smiles.

"That's okay, I'm sorry too provoked you ..." Jackson smiles as she's apologizes. "Nah, were you surprised that you stuck me completely?" Cruz laughs as Jackson speaks. And when Jackson sees Cruz smiling, 'Wow... She's so cute... wait what?! What am I thinking?! She is my rival, not a friend! But... that eyes, those paint is so perfect... Ah!!! Stop it Storm!!! "Jackson thought.
(Writer: What the...?)
Cruz talks to Jackson.

Cruz: So... Jackson?

Jackson: (embarrassed) Huh?!, yeah! why?

Cruz: Are we friends now...?

Jackson: Don't be mistaken, I'm your rival, we're not friend, do you understand?

Cruz: Oh, okay... But... do you have time ...?

Jackson: What is it?

Cruz: Why don't we race together at our Radiator Springs on the weekend?

Jackson: Hm... well... I practiced simulators a lot... Well, it's not bad to rest on weekends... Okay.

Cruz: Yay! See you on Saturday!

Cruz winked and left. Jackson sees the Cruz leaving "Yeah... see you on Saturday..." Jackson muttered. The trailer is closed and Storm's haul truck 'Gale Beaufort' starts.

Gale: Jackson, are you okay?

Jackson: For what?

Gale: Your mother was scolded by you earlier.

Jackson: You've already been talking about it? Anyway, can you take me to a town called Radiator Springs on Saturday?

Gale: Radiator Springs?

Jackson: I promised to practice the race with the costume girl.

Gale: Oh...(Mischief) Jackson, are you out on a date?

Jackson: Gale! Just practice! It's not a date! (Blushing face)

Gale: Really...?

Jackson: Oh, come on! (annoyed)

Gale: (Laughter)

Writer: Hi, this is my first time making it a little awkward. and you guys understand I'm not good at English<(= _ =) ;; But please have fun :)

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